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The first Meteor live firing trial is scheduled to take place in Sweden before the end of 2005.

The first International Physics Olympiad took place in worse of (Warsaw), Poland, in 1967. 首届奥林匹克物理竞赛是1967年在波兰首都华沙举行的。
The first International Symposium of Vine and Wine was held in Yangling in 1999. 葡萄酒学院承办的首届国际葡萄与葡萄酒学术研讨会。
The first Lemurian subraces allegedly were apelike, egg-laying hermaphrodites who communicated by mental telepathy through a third eye. 最先生活在利莫里亚的亚种族依其申述是无包皮者,下蛋的雌雄同体,用能看透他人心思的第三只眼睛来沟通。
The first Malay kingdoms came together around 1100 and were probably ruled by Hindu or Buddhist kings. 第一个马来王国建立于西元一一○○年左右,受印度教或佛教国王统治。
The first Mc Donald's restaurant chain was born. 第一家麦当劳连锁店就这样诞生了。
The first Meteor live firing trial is scheduled to take place in Sweden before the end of 2005. 流星’的首枚实弹发射试验安排在瑞典于2005年末进行。
The first Mid-Autumn Festival charter flight from Taiwan arrived in Shanghai on Friday, marking another step towards establishing regular cro -Straits air links. 首架中秋两岸包机于本周五抵达台湾,标志着两岸通航关系又向前迈进了一步。
The first Mid-Autumn Festival charter flight from Taiwan arrived in Shanghai on Friday, marking another step towards establishing regular cross-Straits air links. 首架中秋两岸包机于本周五抵达台湾,标志着两岸通航关系又向前迈进了一步。
The first Métis were the children of Amerindian women and European merchants who engaged in fur trade at Red River in Manitoba today. 最早的一批梅蒂斯人是印第安人女子与在今日马尼托巴省雷德河地区经营皮毛生意的欧洲商人所生的子女。
The first National Certified Management Consultant Training organization in Beijing approved by China Enterprise Confederation and the Ministry of Personnel. 企联和国家人事部批准的北京首家国家注册管理咨询师培训机构。
The first New Year's Eve celebration in Times Square took place in nineteen-oh-four. 泰晤士广场的第一个新年晚会是在1904年举办的。

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