The ancient town of Aurangabad in Bihar - one of India's most backward and poorest states - is a hotbed of crime ranging from killing, extortion, kidnapping and inter-caste wars.
这个名叫奥兰加巴德的古镇位于印度最为落后和贫穷的比哈尔邦,这里的人民长期饱受杀人、敲诈勒索、绑架和帮派内战等犯罪事件的困扰。 |
The ancient town of Aurangabad in Bihar -- one of India's most backward and poorest states -- is a hotbed of crime ranging from killing, extortion, kidnapping and inter-caste wars.
印度古老城市奥兰加巴德位于该国最贫困落后的比哈尔邦,这里谋杀、勒索、绑架以及阶级内部纷争等犯罪行为层出不穷。 |
The ancient traveler leaving China along this road would pass through Dunhuang before braving the many hazards of the journey westwards through East Turkestan (present-day Xinjiang).
古代的施行家离开中国,沿着这条道路通过敦煌,经过东突厥(现在的新疆)去进行通往西方的冒险之旅。 |
The ancient tree beside the Bodhisattva Hall has a history of over 800 years.
位于菩萨殿旁的这棵古槐,迄今有800多年的历史了。 |
The ancient village names in the area: Fuhihe, Fuqi, Suyahe, Xiaocheng, Dacheng, Leijiacha etc… have not only preserved the essence of Yellow River culture, but also are references to the mythical stories in the records of the legendary Fuxi King.
古老的原始村名伏义河、伏奇、苏亚河、小程、大程、雷家岔……不仅保存了黄河文化的母体胚胎,也巧合了历史神话传说中的伏羲王天下的文明记载。 |
The ancients became faddish, and at the late of Southern Song it came to be a style of porcelain, which connected to the fashion beauty of Song Dynasty.
祭器色彩淡化,仿古成为风尚,在日用瓷上亦多体现,与两宋工艺美术的典雅风貌直接关联。 |
The ancients believed that a talisman written in red was doubly powerful.
古人认为用红色写下的护身符的双倍的威力。 |
The ancients counted courage as the main part of virtue.
古人认为勇敢是美德的主要成分。 |
The ancients did manage, however, to gain some valid medical knowledge from observation and experience.
在古代,人们就可以从日常的观察和经验中总结出不少有效的医学知识。 |
The ancients had to make do with twisted ropes and sinews.
祖先们用拧在一起绳子或皮筋。 |
The ancients thought that dog can avoid suffering a misfortune except omening good or ill luck.
“猫来穷,狗来福”的吉祥口彩也流传至今。 |