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“Licensed Products” means products manufactured, distributed and sold by the Licensee under or by reference to the Trademarks pursuant to this Agreement as identified in Exhibit A.

“Let's try it!” says Nathan, running to get some chalk. “那就试试吧!”南森说着就跑去找粉笔。
“Let\'s try it again.” Sara said. 萨拉说:“我们再试一次。”
“Letters? I see no letters, it looks as if some arcane symbol has been burned into your arm,” said the Inquisitor. “文字?我没有看到什么文字,这个烙在你手臂的印记看上去象某种神秘的符号啊,”检察官说。
“Liar,” I shot back with a grin. “说谎,”我咧着嘴笑,回敬了他一句。
“Licensed Materials〞 means, collectively, the Software, the Rules, and the Documentation. 「授权物」:所有软件、规则和文件。
“Licensed Products” means products manufactured, distributed and sold by the Licensee under or by reference to the Trademarks pursuant to this Agreement as identified in Exhibit A. “获特许的产品”指按照本合同附件一的规定被许可方制造,分销以及出售的使用或与本商标有关的产品。
“Licensee Revenue” means in respect of Licensed Products sold by or on behalf of the Licensee, the total amount invoiced by the Licensee in respect of such Licensed Products after deducting allowances for trade discounts and returns for which the Licensee “被许可人收入”指对于被许可方出售或以其名义出售的产品,被许可人开出的发票中载明的总销售额减去商业折扣的减收费用和其开出赊欠凭证的利润。
“Life can be dramatic and funny all in the same day. 生活能在同一天里变得既戏剧性又有趣。
“Like all weak men he laid an exaggerated stress on not changing one's mind” (W. Somerset Maugham). “象所有可怜的人一样,他把过分的压力加诸于不改变想法”(W.索默塞特·马海姆)。
“Limit your children's recreational screen time to fewer than two hours a day. 把孩子面对显示屏娱乐的时间限制在一天2小时以内。
“Linde Cup” is a fair competition. 此次比赛是公平、公正、公开的。

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