This rational spirit not only makes him a fellow traveleron the road of the Chinese revolution but also casts an important influence on the revolution.
正因为有了这种理性精神,巴金的思想行为与20世纪中国革命趋于同步,他不仅成了20世纪中国革命的同路人,而且对20世纪的中国革命产生了重要影响。 |
This rationale is based upon the susceptibility of surface applied urea to volatilization, the primary mechanism of loss.
其理论基础是尿素表施易引起氨挥发,这是其损失的主要机制。 |
This reaction information can not be deleted.
反作用是不可消除的。 |
This reactive nature of inflammation was first recognized by John Hunt (1794), who, after his studies of war wounds, concluded: 'Inflammation is itself not to be considered as a disease, but as a salutary operation consequent either to some violence or so
炎症反应的性质于1794年被琼.哈特首次认识到,他在研究战伤后认为:炎症本身并非疾病,而应被视为一种对抗暴力与疾病从而有利于机体康复的反应。 |
This reacts with minerals in the ground to become nitrates on which the plants depend.
硝酸和地里的矿物作用,形成植物必需的硝酸盐。 |
This reader is supplementary to the textbook.
这本读物是补充教科书的。 |
This reads of put forword that has the graveness philosophy meaning, the dialectical materialism and The history is only the thing doctrine is important philosophy foundation that sets up the harmonious society.
这一概念的提出具有重大的哲学意义,辨证唯物主义和历史唯物主义是构建和谐社会的重要哲学基础。 |
This real estate scale model depiction shows the Golden Cross after current buildings are completed.
这是一个描述黄金十字路口现在已完成的建筑的仿真模型。 |
This reality is a great burden each of you must bear, literally, from cradle to grave.
这个实相是每一个你巨大的负担,慢慢地,从发源地到坟墓。 |
This realization provided a big incentive for paleontologists to get out in the field and find fossils older than the Cambrian.
这项体认刺激了古生物学家走入田野,寻找比寒武纪更古老的化石。 |
This really adds good value to the alt mode and slightly makes up for the awkward aesthetics.
这样就增加了变身形态可玩性,给它笨拙的形态做了些补偿。 |