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A:Modem enables the mutual conversion of analog signals and digital signals.Dial up connection is impossible without medom.

A:May I know how old he is ? 您能告诉我他几岁吗?
A:Maybe some of it.I think a lot of people blame YV and movies when the real problem is that the parents aren't bringing their cjild up correctly. 可能有一些吧。我认为,当问题是父母没有正确的教育孩子时,很多人会责怪电视和电影。
A:Maybe we should try a thai massage too. 可能我们还应该试一试泰式按摩!
A:Mine is stamp collecting. 我喜欢集邮。
A:Miss wang ,we find your price for Zinc Ingots rather on the high side. 王小姐,我们发现你的锌锭价格相当偏高.
A:Modem enables the mutual conversion of analog signals and digital signals.Dial up connection is impossible without medom. 调制解调器是实现模拟信号和数字信号互相转变的设备,通过它用户的电脑才可连接因特网。
A:Mom,is it all right if I stay out until 12. 译文:妈妈,我可以在外面逗留到12点钟吗?
A:Mr.Carmichael, this is Ellen Bower calling again. You had said I should call this week to schedule an interview with you. 卡麦克尔先生,是爱伦.鲍华。您让我这个星期打个电话和您定一个会面时间。
A:Much better than the last one,huh? 比上一个好多了,是吧?
A:My elder borther is such an excellent person, I always feel small biside him. 我哥是个优秀的人,在他面前我总是觉得自己很渺小。
A:My pleasure .How are you doing? 不客气.你还好吗?

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