Brazil and Thailand are the other big generic drug producers.
巴西和泰国是另外的该类普通药生产国。 |
Brazil and others ought to embrace bold tariff cuts as a route to a more vibrant economy.
巴西和其他国家应该将支持关税大幅减少作为通向更加繁荣的经济的途径。 |
Brazil beat the Socceroos 2-0 Sunday and advanced to the second round, but again the defending champion failed to impress.
巴西在上个周日以2比0的比分打败了对手,并进入到小组的第二轮比赛,但是他们的防御战再一次不能使人印象深刻。 |
Brazil dominates the production of coffee, originally from Ethiopia, and of sugar, originally from New Guinea.
巴西统治着咖啡和糖类生产,它们最初分别产自埃塞俄比亚和新几内亚。 |
Brazil exports a lot of coffee.
巴西出口大量咖啡。 |
Brazil features mostly uplands and plains.It is mostly flat to rolling lowlands in north and there are some plains and narrow coastal belt .
地形以高原和平原为主,北部是亚马逊平原,地势低平。中部是起伏平缓的巴西高原,东南沿海是狭平原。 |
Brazil has a big surplus of coffee.
巴西有很多剩余咖啡。 |
Brazil has been dogged by air-traffic control problems since September.
自九月来,巴西就饱受航空运输业的控制权问题的困扰。 |
Brazil has said it could seek WTO authorisation for up to $4bn in retaliatory sanctions if the US is again found to be at fault.
巴西表示,如果再次发现美国违规,该国可能寻求世贸组织的授权,对美国进行至多40亿美元的报复性制裁。 |
Brazil international Anderson could be involved, however, after a hamstring strain.
然而,在腿扭伤以后,巴西国际安德森也成了棘的手的问题。 |
Brazil is a fabulous destination for gay tourists to be strongly recommended.
巴西是一个绝好的目的地为同性恋游客大力推荐. |