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Ice helps to preserve food.

Ice cream makers across Europe are introducing more and more unusual flavours in order to hold on to their market shares in the face of stagnant sales in recent years. 面对近年来萧条的冰淇淋市场,欧洲的冰淇淋制造商正推出越来越多的“怪味”冰淇淋,以期保住自己的市场份额。
Ice cream “Genuine materials ”“Suffices rich ”“Suffices fragrant to slide ”. 雪糕“真材实料”,“够浓郁”,“够香滑”。
Ice dissolved in the warm weather. 冰在温暖的天气中溶化了。
Ice floes in the northern Gulf and around Newfoundland province where most of the seal hunting occurs remain in goodcondition, the minister said. 不过这位部长还表示,圣劳伦斯海湾地区的北部以及纽芬兰省周边地区的浮冰现状“尚属良好”,而对海豹的捕杀大部分都发生在上述两地。
Ice forms at the temperature of of 0℃. 冰是在摄氏零度时结成的。
Ice helps to preserve food. 冰有助于保存食物。
Ice is congealed by water,mountains are made by magina,love is made by terrs,love is shown by sincereness. 冰是水的凝固,山是岩浆的凝固,泪是情的凝固,爱是真诚的凝固。
Ice is covering roads from California and Arkansas. 在加利福尼亚和阿肯色州,大雪覆盖了公路。
Ice is covering roads from California to Arkansas. 从加利福尼亚大到阿肯色州,道路冰雪覆盖。
Ice is not so dense as water and therefore it floats. 冰的密度小于水,因此能浮在水面上。
Ice is water in a solid state . 冰是水的固体状态。

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