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Abstract: This paper is surmised the fundament and the basis of water saving and eco-agriculture in arid and semi-arid regions, water resources could be used with optimum and in reason in according as those.

Abstract: This paper introduces the wonderful cutting and welding properties of LPG(Liquefied Petroleum Gas)and its lower cost . thus ,the application of LPG is an effctive methods that can improve product quality and reduce cost and benefit the enterpris 文摘:介绍了液化石油气良好的切割和焊接性能以及燃气成本显著降低的特点,从而液化石油气的应用成为企业提高产品质量,降低成本、增加效益的有效途径之一。
Abstract: This paper introduces the working pinciples of the electro-economizer,in which either alternating or direct current voltage can be input with the adaption to the operating coils of contactor, steady direct current is output,and voltage auto-conv 文摘:论述了与交流接触器操作线圈适配的交直流输入(操作)电压通用,恒直流输出,吸合与保持电压无触点自动转换节电器的工作原理。
Abstract: This paper is a comprehensive study of the developments of the chiral phosphorus ligands in the field of asymmetric catalytic synthesis in the past detade.According to the chiral center atom and the structure characteristics,these chiral phospho 文摘:对近十多年来不对称催化合成领域中出现的手性膦配体进行了综述,按其不对称中心以及结构上的特征加以分类,并对其催化性能进行总结。
Abstract: This paper is an attempt to reviewbriefly the following fourresearch trends in plant physiology at the turn of century: from research on biological macromolecules to clarification of complex life activities-genomics,construction and function of 文摘:简要介绍了当今植物生理学研究中值得注意的四个动向,它们是:从研究生物大分子到阐明复杂生命活动——基因组学、基因结构与功能的研究;实现生命整体性的重要环节——信号传递的研究;生命活动的能量和物质基础——代谢及其调节的研究;植物与环境(非生物和生物环境)的相互关系——生物的协同进化和适应的研究。
Abstract: This paper is mainly to present a word segmentation ambiguity resolution scheme based on unsupervised training. 文摘:摘要:本文旨在提供一种基于非监督训练的分词歧义解决方案和一种分词算法。
Abstract: This paper is surmised the fundament and the basis of water saving and eco-agriculture in arid and semi-arid regions, water resources could be used with optimum and in reason in according as those. 文摘:通过在干旱和半干旱地区开展节水农业研究,总结出节水型生态农业规划必须遵循的原则和依据,按照这些原则和依据进行规划,才能合理调配和利用水资源,实现水资源的优化配置。
Abstract: This paper mainly discussed the policy property of interest tax and analyzed the expectation of Chinese government on it.It went further into several proposals of optimizing interest tax policy,which included changing proportional tax rate of 20 文摘:主要讨论利息税的政策属性,政府对利息税作用的预期并就进一步优化利息税政策提出变20%的统一比例税率为超额累进税率;将利息税收入用于政府购买支出;将利息税政策改变为弹性税收政策等建议.
Abstract: This paper mainly utilizes the methods of formula, isometric transform, cut and complement, extremes and analyzing special section to calculate the volume in solid geometry. 摘要:文章探讨了用公式法、等体积变换法、割补法、极值法、分析特殊截面等方法求立体几何中几何体的体积。
Abstract: This paper makes a detailed analysis on the economic disaster caused by the international floating capital for the economic crisis of Southeast Asia, and puts forward some corresponding preventive measures. 文摘:文章对国际游资给东南亚经济危机带来的经济灾难做了较详细的分析,并提出相应的防范措施。
Abstract: This paper makes analysis and research from microscopic mechanism on the test data of each performance index of the ultra-high-performance concrete prepared with common local raw materials. 文摘:本文对以本地普通原材料配制的超高性能砼的各项性能指标的测试结果从微观机理上进行了分析研究。
Abstract: This paper makes several conclusions after building up and analyzing the fault-tree of one typical electrical control system which is a part of the DCS in one polymer plant.Moreover,this paper tries to apply FTA to the troubleshooting,reliabilit 文摘:对某涤纶厂的一种典型电气控制回路建立故障树并对其运用最常用的三种基本故障树分析方法,尝试扩展故障树在故障判断和改进控制回路可靠性方面的应用,得出几个有针对性的初步结论,在形成电气控制回路故障树分析的基本认识和利用故障树解决问题等方面有所帮助。

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