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Conclusion The morphological figures and parasitic sites of metacercaria, the genital sucker of the adult, and the number and form of the hamulus on the genital sucker provide basis for distinguishing H. pumilio from other intestinal flukes.
论 囊蚴形态特征、寄生部位和成虫有无生殖吸盘及盘上的小钩数和形状 ,为鉴别本虫的重要依据

Conclusion The education of mental heath should been strengthened to improve the qualities of slumber and work. 论 应不断加强对精神科男护士的心理健康教育 ,在提高睡眠质量的同时提高工作质量。
Conclusion The expression of VEGF is relative to the synovial pannus formation in RA. 论 :VEGF参与了RA疾病滑膜炎的形成和发展过程 ; 其VEGF表达的高低与关节炎症状的轻重有关。
Conclusion The incidence of BH deficiency among hyperphenylalaninemia is about %. Analysis of urinary pterin is feasible and effective in screening of BH deficiency. 论 BH缺乏症在HPA中发生率约 % ,尿蝶呤分析是用于BH缺乏症筛检的有效方法
Conclusion The innervation at the lateral epicondylar humeri was closely related to the cervical 7 nerve root of brachial plexus. 论 肱骨外上髁的神经支配与臂丛神经的C7神经根密切相关。
Conclusion The modified Colonna's procedure is an effecfive method for treating developmental dislocation of the hip. 论 改良Colonna手术是治疗发育性髋脱位的有效方法。
Conclusion The morphological figures and parasitic sites of metacercaria, the genital sucker of the adult, and the number and form of the hamulus on the genital sucker provide basis for distinguishing H. pumilio from other intestinal flukes. 论 囊蚴形态特征、寄生部位和成虫有无生殖吸盘及盘上的小钩数和形状 ,为鉴别本虫的重要依据
Conclusion The novel gene nelin expresses a cytoskeleton-associated protein,which perhaps participates in the formation of cytoskeleton network by its C-terminus interacting with the Ig-like domains of Titin and Filamin. 论 实验结果揭示了新基因nelin很可能表达一个细胞骨架相关蛋白, 它可通过其蛋白质的C末端同Titin和Filamin的免疫球蛋白样结构域发生相互作用而参与细胞骨架网络的形成。
Conclusion The occurance frequency of diastolic heart failure is high among the patients suffering form the common disease as coronarism,cardiohypertension,hypertrophic cardiomyopathy,and angusty of aortic valve. 论 舒张性心力衰竭在冠心病、高心病、肥厚性心肌病、主动脉瓣狭窄等病中发生率高。
Conclusion The plasma cytokines, i.e. TNFα, IL β and IL , were primarily produced from Kupffer cells after injury in scalded rats, initiated by TNFα, IL β and IL mRNA transcription. [ 论 库普弗细胞是大鼠烧伤后血浆中TNFα、IL β、IL 的主要来源
Conclusion The prognosis of PHT secondary to rheumatic diseases is dismal. 论风湿性疾病继发肺动脉高压预后不良。
Conclusion The selected expression of survivin in tumor c ells may provide a high degree specificity for cancer therapy using survivin ant isense oligonucleotide. 论 因为survivin基因在多数恶性肿瘤组织中丰富表达,选择合适的sur vivin反义寡核苷酸,将有利于应用在肿瘤的

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