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[549B0C2]ALISTER: That's familiar enough.$So why were they shut down?

[situationis a particularly dangerous noun. Not only is it generally unnecessary, but it drags other unnecessary element agter it (in this instande, one where. 我想中文的原文可能说到“那时候中国东北的情况是。。。”这一类的话,所以又是犯了跟7,8类似的错误。
[103C0C8]ZIP: Whoops.? Satellite feed's showing$your train's about to roll. 糟了。卫星讯息显示$你的火车要开动了。
[410216B]I'd love to join you, but I forgot my trunks. 我很乐意加入你,不过我忘带游泳裤了。
[4C31556]This is only one piece of the Scion; Where's the rest of it? 这只是一片司祭盎,其他的在哪里?
[51C8EDC]ZIP: juice it from the control room$above you. 看上去它还是零负荷,你得去你上方的控制室给它充电。
[549B0C2]ALISTER: That's familiar enough.$So why were they shut down? 这种故事我听的多了(原文是,我对这个很熟悉)他们为什么要关闭(实验室)?
[56540B2]ZIP: The cable on your grapple is insulated. 你的电磁沟爪可是绝缘的呀。
[691571E]LARA: while she was rearranging your office. 她一定是在上次搜你办公室时,拿走了一付耳机。
[6BBA772]ZIP: Aber du hast ihn laufen lassen. 但你还是让他跑了。
[6BF0F7A]LARA: Und jetzt kann er mir vielleicht weiterhelfen. 这样他现在或许就能接着帮我一把咯。
[9] They state that in synastry when the Sun conjuncts the Moon in another's chart, it can indicate a strong sexual attraction, especially if the conjunction is made by the man's Sun to the woman's Moon. 〖9〗他们说明在配对盘中,当太阳跟另一个人星盘中的月亮合相时,这可以指示出强烈的性吸引力,尤其是合相是由男性的太阳合女性的月亮产生的。

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