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What seems to be the trouble?

What seemed a clever wheeze to avoid the scrutiny of the regulators and auditors now looks foolish, since no bank knows the exposure of any other. 原来看起来很聪明的,避免监管机构及审计机关调查的方法现在看来就很愚蠢,这是因为没有一个银行知道其他银行在这方面的介入。
What seems a kind of temporal death to people choked between walls and curtains is only a light and living slumber to the man who sleeps afield. 禁锢在室内的帘后的人们觉得黑夜似乎是短暂的死亡;而露宿野外的人却觉得黑夜只是一场充满生机的微睡。
What seems to be a perception, an objective concrete event independent from you, is instead the materialization of your own inner emotions, energy, and mental environment. 看似是一种感知、一个客观、具体、独立于你们之外的事件,实际上是你们自己内在情感、能量和精神环境的物化。
What seems to be bothering you? 您觉得哪儿不舒服?
What seems to be the problem? 哪儿出毛病了?
What seems to be the trouble? 似乎是什么麻烦?
What services are you interested in? 服务类型:
What services come with that? 这个价格包括哪些服务项目呢?
What sets Harry apart is his sense of purpose and mission in his life. 让哈利离开的原因是他明白他生活的目的和任务。
What sets it apart is Mr Allawi's angle of vision, as a thoughtful Shia Muslim intellectual, loyal to his community but determined to be fair-minded. 这些与阿拉维,一位颇有创见的,忠于他的群体但坚决保持公正的什叶派穆斯林智者的视角并不相同。
What sets this find apart from earlier ones is that the star, Pegasus 51, is quite similar to our own sun, and its planet appears to be roughly, the same size as Jupiter. 除了早些时候的发现外,确定这次发现的是,飞马星座51这颗恒星与我们的太阳十分相似,而它的行星看来与木星的大小大致相同。

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