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The train leaves at half past six tomorrow morning.

The train is timed to connect with the ferry. 火车时刻编排得可与渡轮运行时刻衔接.
The train is timed to connect with the ferry. 火车时刻编排得可与渡船运行时刻衔接。
The train isn't away for an hour; meanwhile, I am going to take a nap. 列车要过一小时才会发车。在这段时间里,我想去小睡一会儿。
The train journey is a respite in between leaving and arriving that allows strangers a chance to talk to each other. 火车上的旅途是出发与到达之间的一个缓冲阶段,使陌生人之间有了彼此相谈的机会。
The train leave punctually at18.00. 火车准时在18点离开。
The train leaves at half past six tomorrow morning. 火车明天早晨六点半开。
The train left just now, so we could not but take the bus in its stead. 火车刚开走,所以我们不得不改乘公共汔车。
The train makes 70 kilometres an hour. 这火车的时速为70公里。
The train moved slowly south through flat, drab mainline scenery. 火车穿过干线两侧风景单调乏味的地区,缓缓地向南驶去。
The train of failure usually runs on the track on laziness. 装载着失败的列车往往是在名为懒惰的轨道上行进。
The train on platform 3 is for London, calling at Didcot and Reading. 第3站台的火车开往伦敦, 在迪科特和雷丁停车.

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