Galvanized steel wire: 14 guage, 1/4 mile long (on a spool)metal or wood . 13 spools.
镀锌铁丝:14线径,1/4英里长,绕于金属或木制线轴上。采购13线轴。 |
Gamasutra: Do you think that EA bought you because they've had such little success so far in the online space?
你认为EA雇用你是因为他们目前在在线游戏取得的成就太少了吗? |
Gambler Th+Eg+Am+Er Adds chances to cast boulder,bones and lightning on bash.
赌徒猛击时有几率造成骨系,光系伤害。 |
Gamblers at Monte Carlo are pursuing money, and most of them lose it instead, but there are other ways of pursuing money, which often succeed.
蒙特卡洛城的赌徒们追求金钱,但多数人却把钱输掉了,而另外一些追求金钱的办法却常常成功。 |
Gamblers press their way into the main hall in their workday clothes under a cloud of cigarette smoke and stale air.
穿着工作服,在烟雾缭绕和浑浊的空气中,赌博的人蜂拥着挤进主厅。 |
Gamblers would have come to Blackpool from far and wide for occasional trips—rather like a miniature (and chilly) version of Las Vegas.
赌徒们将从远处偶尔赶到黑泽来,就像一个拉斯维加斯小的(并且令人心寒的)的版本。 |
Gambling cleaned him out all his money.
赌博把他所有的钱清个精光。 |
Gambling has brought about his ruin.
赌博促成他毁灭。 |
Gambling is a compulsion with him.
赌博对他来说是一种冲动。 |
Gambling is forbidden in Islam, and the fatwa quotes a verse from the Koran that calls on all Muslims to avoid gambling as an abomination and Satan's handiwork.
在伊斯兰国家,赌博是违法的。埃及最高穆提夫发布的法令引用一段古兰经中的原文呼吁全体穆斯林避免沾染这一恶习。 |
Gambling is frowned upon by some church authorities.
有些教会权力机关不许可赌博. |