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This letter was written by Charlotte Bronte, English writer, to Professor Constantin Heger. There is no evidence that this love was ever returned by him.

This letter of credit is transferable in china only, in the event of a transfer, a letter from the first beneficiary must accompany the document for negotiation. 本信用证仅在中国可转让,如确需转让,第一受益人发出的书面证明须连同单据一起议付。
This letter of guarantee is valid within 30 days from the Contractor's receipt of the advance money of the contract till all the goods have been endorsed, opened and checked, and got their passing reports. 本保函从承包商收到合同预付款起直至所有货物均签署开箱验货合格报告后30天内有效.
This letter told him he had lost all his ships on the sea,and he had lost all of his goods on the ships,too. 信中告诉他,他所有的货船都遭遇了海难,而且遗失了所有船上的货物.
This letter was delivered by hand. 这封信是由专人送来的。
This letter was typed by Alice this morning. 这封信在今早被爱丽丝用打字机打过了。
This letter was written by Charlotte Bronte, English writer, to Professor Constantin Heger. There is no evidence that this love was ever returned by him. 便就如此了。附上那句话吧,爱情是没有任何大道理可讲的。最无奈最脆弱最好心没好报的,就是爱了。
This letter will confirm my intention to enroll for the next semester which will begin in September. 在此,我重申下学期九月份来注册学习的愿望.
This letter, I know, is long past due. I know you'll forgive the tardiness, you always do. 我熟悉这信,它是很久以前的了。我就知道你就慢慢忘了,你总是这样。
This level includes the scan of all files that may be infected, self-extracting archives, incoming and outgoing mail messages. 该级别包含扫描所有可能被感染的文件,包括自解压缩文档、收取和发送的邮件。
This level of diversity within a species is extraordinary. 同一物种里存在这样高的歧异度,实在非常罕见。
This lever must serve some ulterior purpose. 这撬棒准是用於不可告人的目的的.

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