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Uses: Used in ceramic pigments, paint dryer, catalyst, analytical agent, forge and lithopone additives, alkaline battery and tyre adhesive, also used in plating and producing cobaltiferous pigments and other cobalt products.

Uses: It is suitable for automatic packaging of machines and foodstuffs products products such as sugar coated tablet,medicine tablet,chocolate pill andround sugar ball etc. 用途:适合医药、食品行业圆片型或圆球型物品的自动包装。如:糖衣片、素片、朱古力豆、糖球等。
Uses: It is suitable for packaging of exinrusion food,oatmeal,pieces dry noodies,melon seeds,crystal suger,peanuts,medicines,tea and seads in middle quantity. 用途:本机主要适合包装膨化食、麦片、碎于吃面、瓜子、白沙糖、花生及化工、药品、茶叶、种子等较大颗粒物品的中剂量包装。
Uses: It is used for manufacturing copper-clad R.P. panel and widely used in electric's industry. 用途2可供制造覆铜板,广泛应用于电子、电器行业。
Uses: Mainly used in battery, also used as oxygenate and in making enamel. 用途:主要用于电池行业,也用于氧化剂和制作珐琅。
Uses: Used as desizing agent and bleach activator ; Used in the oxidation and degradation of waste materials in pools and the closed and circling water ; Used in modification of starch, production of bonds and coating materials ; Used in the oxidation of 用途:用于脱浆剂和漂白活性剂;用于水池及封闭循环处理水中有害物质的氧化降解;是生产淀粉的调节剂,并应用于粘合剂的涂料生产中;用于支链氧化、乙醇和芳香族羟基氧化;染发剂的基本成分之一,起脱色作用。
Uses: Used in ceramic pigments, paint dryer, catalyst, analytical agent, forge and lithopone additives, alkaline battery and tyre adhesive, also used in plating and producing cobaltiferous pigments and other cobalt products. 用途:用于陶瓷釉料和油漆催干剂,也用于电镀、碱性电池、生产含钴颜料和其他钴产品,还用于催化剂、分析试剂、饲料添加剂、轮胎胶粘剂、立德粉添加剂等。
Uses: Used in cleaning and pickling if metal surface ; Used in accelerating curing of low concentration formalin adhesives ; Used in modification of starch, production of bonds and coating materials ; Used as desizing agent and bleach activator ; Used as 用途:用于金属表面的清洁和酸洗;用于加快低浓度福尔马林粘合剂的处理过程;是生产淀粉的调节剂,并应用于粘合剂的涂料生产中;用于脱浆剂和漂白活性剂;是染发剂的基本成分这一,起脱色作用。
Uses: Used in the manufacture of persulfate; Used in the manufacture of aniline dyes; Used in the treatment of oxidized metal surface; Used as the initiator for the polymerization of monomers; Used in decoloring and bleaching of oil, cleaning and deodoriz 用途:用于制造过硫酸盐的制造;用于苯胺染料的制造,瓮染料的氧化发色剂;用于氧化金属表面处理;用于有机合成工业中,高分子物聚合的引发剂;油的脱色和漂白,变败酵母的洗涤,脱臭,小麦的催熟剂;石油开采用于井下压裂的添加剂。
Uses: can be widely used in petroleum industry as mud mesh, chemical fiber industry as screen mesh, plating industry as acid cleaning mesh, light industry telecom industry as fitting mesh and for the use of scientific research. 用途:可广泛用于石油工业做泥浆网、化纤工业作筛选网、电镀工业做酸洗网、轻工电讯工业做配件网和供科学研究使用。
Uses:Coat,piant,silica rubber,plastic,resin product packing,tooth used material, binder, detergent,printing ink, pigment, precise china,tire,rubber,fireproof material. 产品用途:涂料、油漆、橡胶、工程塑料、硅橡胶、陶瓷、牙用材料、粘合剂、油墨、颜料、耐火、耐磨材料等.
Uses:It fits for industry such as paint-marking,ink,rubber,enamel-insulated wiresets. 用途:用于制漆﹑油墨﹑橡胶﹑水砂皮﹑漆包线等工业.

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