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Meanwhile, growth stress of aforementioned species in standing and fallen trees at different heights, different direction (East, South, West and North) have been measured, as well as the moisture content of green wood.

Meanwhile, foreign investment, strong export growth and investment in upstream industries – such as coal, electricity, oil and transportation -- should sustain the economy. 同时,外国投资、强劲的出口增长以及在煤炭、电力、石油和交通等上游行业中的投资等诸因素应维持经济增长。
Meanwhile, four policies were introduced after in-depth research, to help the tourism sector pull through the hard times and resume normal business operation. 与此同时,经过深入调研,抓紧出台了4条政策措施,帮助旅游企业渡过难关,尽快恢复生产经营。
Meanwhile, gene-sequencing technology has progressed by leaps and bounds, becoming far cheaper in the process. 同时,基因序列分析技术有了跳跃式和更广阔的进步,并且处理过程变的更加便宜。
Meanwhile, get the latest moves of famous print & pack mill, to forage the opportunity of commerce, invite relevant technologies to change, expend the perspective projects to here for visiting. 同时,掌握各知名印刷包装厂最新项目动态,全力发掘新商机,邀请相关的技术改造,扩建及拟建项目赴会参观。
Meanwhile, globalization has made the government and the leaders more mindful of their own image. 与此同时,全球化的浪潮使得政府和领导更注意自己的形象了。
Meanwhile, growth stress of aforementioned species in standing and fallen trees at different heights, different direction (East, South, West and North) have been measured, as well as the moisture content of green wood. 同时,在活立木状态下或伐倒后在不同高度,不同方向(东、南、西、北)测量了以上几种桉树木材的生长应力,生材含水率等。
Meanwhile, hardly a week has gone by without the government trumpeting some new arrest or the foiling of another bomb plot. 同时,政府每周都在不停大肆宣扬又有新的抓捕活动成功或又一场爆炸阴谋被挫败。
Meanwhile, he must use reasonably, keep the house, bear everyday expenditure, return the house after habitatio is terminated, etc. expiration, death of the beneficiary, confusion and so on will all cause the termination of habitatio. 居住权因居住权设定的期限届满、居住权人死亡、混同、抛弃、滥用、房屋灭失等原因而消灭。
Meanwhile, he tries to protect his ego. 同时,他在尽力维护他的“自我”。
Meanwhile, heat oven to 425°. Toast bread cubes on a baking sheet, turning occasionally until golden brown, about 7 minutes. 同时把烤箱加温至425°。在烘焙板上烤面包块,时而翻动,约七分钟,面包呈金黄色。
Meanwhile, hold the characteristic of different region luxurious mansion, well distinguish the customer group, so that we could supply professional buy-sell and rent information, investment and manage well finances, market information, and other super ser 同时为了更好地把握不同区域豪宅市场的特点,更好地细分服务客户群,以便全面为更多高端客户提供专业的买卖租赁资料、投资理财、市场资讯等尊贵服务。

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