It is generally accepted that climate has changed greatly on a global scale, and that the earth's climate has already warmed by some degrees over the past century.
摘要过去一个多世纪全球气候发生了明敏变化,地球表面温度正在逐渐变暖。 |
It is generally accepted that if you can visualise a destination you can project yourself there instantly, at the speed of thought.
如果你能够观想一个目的地,你就能够立即以思想的速度将自己投射到那里,总的来说这是公认的。 |
It is generally accepted that smoking is harmful to our health.
吸烟有害健康,这是大家公认的。 |
It is generally agreed that the extension and improvement of primary education is the best weapon against illiteracy.
人们普遍认为,扩展和改善基础教育是消除文盲的最佳武器。 |
It is generally assumed that stress is caused by too much work.
普遍认为,紧张是工作过中所致. |
It is generally believed that Confucius preserved the literature of China for later times.
一般人都相信孔子为后世保存了中国的文学作品。 |
It is generally believed that it pays to work hard.
一般人都相信努力是值得的。 |
It is generally believed, however, that neurochemical imbalances and disruptions in the brain are above all responsible for triggering depressive symptoms.
然而,尤其是神经化学的失衡和脑神经分裂被公认为引发忧郁症的原因。 |
It is generally concluded from the appearance of their heavily cratered surfaces that they have been subjected to bombardment by large meteoroids during their geological history.
这种消除作用达到了这种程度,使进一步的大陆的研究工作很难对大陆起源问题去得明确的答案。 |
It is generally considered bad form – and an unsatisfying read – for the author to withhold vital information until the end.
要是作者将最重要的信息留至篇末的话,那通常会被认为是糟糕的形式和令人不满意的阅读。 |
It is generally recognized that Riga has the finest collection of art nouveau buildings in Europe.
里加被看作是欧洲最精美的新艺术建筑风格的中心。 |