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What she has done is spoken highly of by those who have known her.

What she does is well presented/orderly. 她做事有板有眼的。
What she does very well is pantomime. 她表演得很好的是哑剧。
What she got, however, was an astounding result that may threaten a multi-billion dollar industry. 然而,实验结果令人震惊,该实验的结论将会威胁好几十亿美元的行业。
What she had done was thought to be of the most shameful. 她的行为被认为是最丢脸的事。
What she had done was to try and find the film again, the war newsreel in which she had seen Jerry, her son. 她前一天晚上做的就是试图重新找到那部电影,那部战争新闻短片,她在里面看到过她的儿子杰里。
What she has done is spoken highly of by those who have known her. 凡是认识她的人对她的所作所为总是赞不绝口。
What she has said to make you so sad? 她说了些什么让你如此伤心?
What she is aiming at is to win a scholarship. 她的目标是争取奖学金。
What she meant was not that we could take drawing classes or painting classes but that we would have to spend one afternoon a week with her at the Fine Arts Museum. 她的意思并不是让我们临摹经典之作或为它们上色,而是必须花费一星期的下午与她参观美术博物馆.
What she persuaded had no effect on her. 她的劝告对她毫无影响.
What she read and learnt in her first 18 years, under her father's influence, remained the bedrock of her literary education. 她18岁前在父亲的影响下的阅读和学习构成了她的文化修养的基础。

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