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By the time we finished the course , several significant pieces of information were already in the dustbin of cyberspace history —which is being written in nanoseconds.

By the time they confronted Illidan, however, he had already retrieved a magical artifact: the Eye of Sargeras. 这个时候,伊利丹已经得到了一个强大的神器:萨格拉斯之眼。
By the time this event actually engulfs your Earth plane, those who are destined to experience the fullness of the event will have learned about vibrational body transfer and motion alliance, so the essence will be completely protected. 当你的地球表面实际上卷入这一个事件的时候,那些被注定要经历完整的事件的人将会学习关于振动的身体转移和运动同盟,因此,本质将会完全地被保护。
By the time we arrived the meeting was over . 我们到达时,会议已结束了。
By the time we arrived the meeting was over. 我们到达时,会议已结束了。
By the time we congregated in the high school 7)gymnasium my father had congratulated himself through nearly a case of beer. 当我们在学校体育馆集中庆祝时,他已经-浸在几乎一箱啤酒里自己作乐了。
By the time we finished the course , several significant pieces of information were already in the dustbin of cyberspace history —which is being written in nanoseconds. 1998当我们完成课程时,好几则重大的信息已经扔进了电脑空间历史———以十亿分之一秒来写的———垃圾堆。
By the time we got home, everything was again coated with dust. 我们到家时,所有东西重又蒙上了尘土。
By the time we got to Mango Street we were six-Mama, Papa, Carlos, Kiki, my sister Nenny and me. 搬到芒果街时,我们家有六个人了——妈妈,爸爸,卡洛斯,奇奇,妹妹内妮和我。
By the time we got to his house, he had finished supper. 在我们到达他就已经吃完了晚饭。
By the time we got to the movie theater the film had already started. (当我们到了电影院的时候,电影都开始了。)
By the time we knew he had paid us with a rubber check, the man had already left the state. 等到我们发现那个人付给我们的是空头支票时,他早已离开了本州。

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