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I saw your brother walking on the street.

I saw with my own eyes that people there are devout believers of Indian Religion. 我亲眼看到他们都是虔诚的印度教信仰者。
I saw you out with a boy yesterday. 昨天我看见你和一个男孩上街了。
I saw you play basketball almost every day during the summer holidays. 我看见你暑假期间几乎每天都打篮球。
I saw your advertisement in this morning's newspaper for the air hostess.I'd like a job. 我看到今在早上的报纸上贵公司招聘空中小姐的广告,我想申请这一职务。
I saw your advertisement on the newspaper. 报纸上看见了你们的广告。
I saw your brother walking on the street. 我看见你兄弟在街上走。
I saw your car coming a round the bend. 我看见你的车拐弯了。
I saw your face in a crowded place, 我在一个拥挤的地方看见你的脸,
I saw your friend the other day. 前几天我看到过你的朋友。
I saw your teacher the other day. 前几天我看到你的老师。
I saw (a bear and a mountain lion/ an amazing waterfall/ some very rare birds)on my last hike. 我上次徒步旅行看到(一只熊和一只美州狮/非常壮观的瀑布/一些很稀有的鸟类)。

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