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In hydrographic sweeping survey, considering that the surveyed route in design project description is a longer route which is composed of to geodetic coordinates, methods of Mercator projection, UTM (Universal Transverse Mercator) projection and Gauss-Kru

In humans the cornea is clear, but it is more a thin, gelatinous layer of proteins and sugars than true cellular tissue. 人类的角膜是透明的,但它只是薄薄一层由蛋白质与醣类构成的胶状结构,而非细胞构成的组织。
In humans, severe and prolonged psychological stress can cause growth to stop in children, a rare syndrome called psychogenic dwarfism. 人类儿童要是经历严重而长期的心理压力,发育会停止,那是一种罕见的病,叫作「心因性侏儒症」。
In humans, these two diseases are often linked to aging. 对于人类,这两种疾病与衰老时相关联的。
In humid conditions , it can survive on land for several days. 在潮湿的环境中,攀鲈可于陆地上存活数天。
In humid(5) weather your skin can get extra moisture from the air. 天气潮湿时,皮肤可以从空气中得到额外的水分。
In hydrographic sweeping survey, considering that the surveyed route in design project description is a longer route which is composed of to geodetic coordinates, methods of Mercator projection, UTM (Universal Transverse Mercator) projection and Gauss-Kru 摘要在海道扫测工作中,考虑到设计任务书中的扫测航路是由两点大地坐标组成的较长路线,利用墨卡托投影和UTM投影及高斯-克吕格投影方式既能消除扫测航向的偏差,又能符合常规扫测方法。
In hydroseeding, my main responsibility is to guide 200 feet of heavy, serpentine hose while the boss sprays the slime. But there's more to my job than wrestling the anaconda. 在播种的时候,我的主要工作是在老板向地上喷洒种子和黏胶混合物的时候,拖着200英尺长的沉重的蛇形管。但是我的工作可不仅仅是拖着一条像蟒蛇一样的管子。
In hypertensive patients, the baroreflexes tend to sustain rather than counteract hypertension, a phenomenon known as resetting the barostats,which may be a result rather than a cause of hypertension. 在高血压病人中,压力反射往往是维持而不是抵消高血压,也就是人们所说的“压力调节器复位”现象,它可能是高血压的结果,而不是原因。
In ice there is perfect tranquility, perfect order, and the silence of death. 寒冰蕴含着安宁与秩序的完善,以及死亡的寂静。
In ideal conditions he will be wearing a ghillie suit. 在理想的情况下它应该穿一套吉利服。
In ideological education, he solved many problems that had puzzled people by using contradiction dialectics, coordinating interests, having an iron hand in a velvet glove, shooting the arrow at the target, drawing lessons from history, and speaking humoro 他在思想政治教育工作中运用矛盾辩证法、利益协调法、绵里藏针法、有的放矢法、以史为鉴法、语言灵活法成功解决了许多困扰人们思想的难题,为改革开放做出了贡献。

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