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This is a clever way to get information without offending anyone. You will just sound concerned, not pushy.

This is a classic example of bureaucratic inefficiency. 这是一个官僚主义低效率的典型例子。
This is a classic wine that shows the elegance, harmony and sophistication required for longevity. 这是一款优雅、和谐并复杂的经典的酒,这些也都是长期保存所必需的条件。
This is a classical movie from Disney. 这是来自于迪士尼的经典动画影片。
This is a clean room, isn't it? 6这是一个干净的房间,是不是?
This is a clear exposition of the theory of evolution. 这是对进化论的清晰的阐述。
This is a clever way to get information without offending anyone. You will just sound concerned, not pushy. 这是在不冒犯别人的情况下获得信息的好办法。别人会觉得你很关心,而不是多管闲事儿。
This is a cliff composed of quartz sandstone that is well bedded. 由石英砂岩构成的悬崖,岩石层理发育。
This is a club of champions - one of the biggest there is. 这是英格兰最伟大的俱乐部之一。
This is a cluster of feelings we've all experienced at one time or another in the process of growing up, but I don't know of a single English term that adequately covers all three. 这些感受,我们在成长过程的某个时刻都曾经历过,但我不认为有哪个英语词汇可以同时贴切地表达这三种含义。
This is a coffee filter. 这是咖啡过滤器。
This is a collection of the author's research during nearly 40 years of archeological work on the Haidai region. 本论集是作者从事海岱区(渤海、黄海、泰山、淮河故道所标示的历史文化区)考古近40年的主要研究成果。

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