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To flush toilet, put your hand in front of the sensor.

To fix the problem, assign each user an individual account. 要解决这个问题,分配每个用户一个单独的账号。
To fix their radio or television programs on any sound or visual medium and to reproduce any sound or visual medium. 二)将其播放的广播、电视录制在音像载体上以及复制音像载体。
To fix this, we need a more complex filtering heuristic. 要解决这个问题,我们需要更复杂些的启发式过滤器。
To flaunt the legal successor of Sun Yat-sen in his democratic revolutionary thoughts and causes, KMT and the Nanjing National Government respected Sun Yat-sen, the Prime Ministerof KMT, as the Father of the Republie of China, and held three kinds of comm 摘要国民党与南京国民政府为标榜是孙中山民主革命思想与事业的合法继承者,把孙中山从“总理”推尊演绎成了“国父”圣符,并为之举行了逝世纪念、奉安纪念与诞辰纪念三种典礼仪式。
To flush the circulation line, connect a flexible hose with one end to the city water supply and the other end to the circulation line; flush for several minutes. 要冲洗循环管路,应将软管一头接到自来水供应处,另一头接到循环管路;冲洗数分钟。
To flush toilet, put your hand in front of the sensor. 使用完后请将手放在感应器前放水冲洗。
To follow ,without halt,one aim :There's the secret og success. 不停顿地向一个目标前进,这就是成功的秘诀。
To follow company gage control system and process. 执行公司计量体系与流程。
To follow our standardization and specialization, we will make an Earnest Assessment for each new comers to avoid any one without sincerity entering our Group. 为贯彻外贸群规范化和专业化的方针,本群将对新加盟者实行基本的诚意考核,以避免无诚意者混入本群。
To follow the current GSP specifications and decrees and codes on medicines,Shanghai SUNBOW Pharmaceutial Co.,Ltd.Chinese Medicine Herbal Tablets Factory invested more than 1 million yuan RMB in 1999 to rebuild the quality control room equipped with high- 为符合现有的GSP规范及药品法规,1999年上海虹桥药业中药饮片厂投资100多万元改建了质量检测室,配以高效液相色谱仪、高效气相色谱仪、自动旋光仪、紫外分光光度计等高精密仪器,使药品的生产和储存有了科学的保证,并使药品在有效成分含量、重金属含量和农药残留量等指标监测上达到国际先进水平。
To follow the principle of the integration of river basin management with provincial management, as stated in the Water Laws, is a key point in the future for the IWRM. 具体细化新《水法》中提出的流域管理与行政管理相结合的原则是开展长江水资源综合管理的关键。

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