ONE of the world's biggest water desalination plants could soon be built in Victoria as the Bracks Government's quest to drought-proof Melbourne gathers pace.
在布瑞克斯领导的维州政府寻求加速解决墨尔本干旱问题的努力下,一座世界上最大的海水淡化厂不久将在维多利亚建成。 |
ONE of the world's more idiosyncratic celebrations of prosperity occurs periodically in Hong Kong whenever the Peninsula Hotel receives another record-setting order of Rolls-Royce saloons.
香港的半岛酒店周期性的举行颂扬繁荣的庆祝仪式,这在世界上是比较特殊的,因为它庆祝的是酒店接收了又一批从劳斯莱斯定制的数量破纪录的豪华轿车。 |
ONE way to avoid getting stuck in the mire of the Mexican tax code is to ensure that you're far away when attempts are made to change it.
要想不要踏入墨西哥免税代码的泥潭,你就得保证国家在做出任何修改措施之时置身度外。 |
ONE would think that Asian equity markets would be happy at the news that China's economy, the regional powerhouse, is growing even faster than expected.
有人会想,听到中国经济——地区经济的引擎——正以高于预期的速度增长,亚洲股票市场应该欢欣鼓舞才对。 |
ONE. Give people more than they expect and do it cheerfully.
以欢喜心多付出,且付出比对方期许中的更多. |
ONIONS!! Eating onions helps ease constriction of bronchial tubes.
哮喘?吃洋葱!!洋葱对支气管的收缩有很大的帮助。 |
没有东西是永恒的,但金属的精神在我们离世后亦会流芳百世! |
OO programs are built out of objects, which are packages of data and functions collected into discrete units.
OO程序由对象组成,其中的对象是数据和函数离散集合。 |
OOCL Logistics (formerly named Cargo System), the Group's international freight consolidation and logistics service unit, set up in 1979, is a world-class leader in process and technology driven logistics services.
东方海外物流(原名伟达联运)于一九七九年成立,是集团的国际货物集装及及物流业务,以专业信息系统驱动的物流服务成为业内国际级的领导者。 |
OOCL covers nearly all existing niche ports in Japan via its hub in Kaohsiung.
通过高雄这一货运枢纽港,东方海外的船只可抵达日本所有的小港口。 |
OOCL has implemented the Safety Management System (SMS) onboard its manned vessels since 1994. International Safety Management (ISM) code contains the elements for the setting up of SMS.
东方海外从1994年起就在人工驾驶的船舶上实行安全管理系统(SMS)。建立该系统的要素包含在国际安全管理(ISM)规则内。 |