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Campaign finance reform is also the first hurdle for any health-care legislation.

Camouflage is necessary if we are to deceive the enemy. 如果要欺骗敌人,掩人耳目是必要的。
Camouflaging their splendid strips and colors in the jungles, swamps, bushes and caves, they reside on the top of the food pyramid. 无论是丛林、沼泽、草丛或石洞都是它们出没之所,稳坐在食物链的顶端。
Camp is an elusive idea or mode of behavior, acting or \acting out.\Sontag reads it as an historical phenomenon like the notions or costuming of the Pre-Raphaelites. 造作是一个难于捉摸的概念,或者一种难于捉摸的行为模式,发生着或者“正做着……”。
Camp on Durable Surfaces: Selecting an appropriate campsite is perhaps the most important aspect of low-impact back try use. 在耐久的地表露营:选择一个合适的营地也许是降低对野外影响的最重要的一方面。
Campaign aiming at crackdown on porn, drug and gambling is carried out thoroughly in China. 异常严厉打击色情,毒品和赌博的运动正在全国展开。
Campaign finance reform is also the first hurdle for any health-care legislation. 竞选财务改革也是医疗立法第一个需要克服的困难。
Campaign finance reform is also the first hurdle for any health-care legislation. Lyndon Johnson was the only President with the political strength and savvy to drive major health reform through Congress. But he had to pay the private pipers to enact it. 竞选财务改革也是医疗立法第一个需要克服的困难。约输逊是唯一有政治实力并且知道如何运用它以便获得国会通过重要的医疗改革的总统。可是为了要完成这项立法,他必须付出代价。
Campaign for the new town. 关于新城镇的战役。
Campaign planning, however, once easily confined to military operations in a given theater, will become so intermixed with political, economic, informational, societal and cultural factors as to quickly exceed the grasp and authority of regional combatant 但是战役规划这样一个曾经是一个在给定战区中很容易确定的的军事行动,将因为政治、经济、消息报导、社会以及文化等因素使得规划内容迅速超出作战地区指挥官及其参谋人员的掌控与授权。
Campaigning halts and Baghdad streets are quiet on the eve of Thursday's parliamentary election which will decide who will govern Iraq for the next four years. 在周四的议会选举前期,竞选活动停止巴格达街道十分的平静.这次选举将决定谁会在今后的四年里掌管伊拉克.
Campaigning is already in full swing. 竞选活动已经是进行得如火如荼。

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