We are aggressive in our efforts to transform our forces into a leaner, more agile force capable of anticipating and responding to rogue threats or providing humanitarian relief ①on demand.
“我们正在积极努力,以便使我们的军队转变为可以预期和应对极端威胁或应邀提供人道主义援助的更为小巧和灵活的军队。” |
We are aiming to be a very good team so we have to handle these situations.
但是有些事情却是你不能控制的—对手,裁判,台下的天气、场地,你必须要超越这些因素让他们去赢,好的球队都是这样。 |
We are aiming to be back to our very best in three years and are very positive about this target, realistically it may take five.
“我们想要尽最大所能在三年内返回巅锋,我们对这一目标非常乐观和积极。尽管实际上,我们要用五年的时光来复兴。 |
We are all getting older, we are all getting up to that age. Nothing lasts forever; all good things come to an end,Canning said.
我们都会变老,都会那个年龄,没有什么可以永久存在的,美好的东西总会消失,这是一位叫凯宁的过客说的话. |
We are all so happy for him because he is such a great lad. To score after being out for so long will give him great confidence.
“我们所有人都为他高兴,因为他是一名伟大的球员。在离开赛场如此之久后还能进球将会为他带来莫大的自信。” |
We are all sons of one man; we are honest men, your servants are not spies.
11我们都是一个人的儿子、是诚实人、仆人们并不是奸细。 |
We are already in the midst of a fiscal crisis and we have to face it squarely wielding our courage, resourcefulness and solidarity as a nation and people,she said.
她表示:“我们已身陷财政危机中,我们必须用勇气、智慧,以及国家和人民的团结,勇敢面对这场危机。” |
We are asking the private sector to donate up to $1 billion over the next 10 years to help this park system be vital and strong, to celebrate the 100th anniversary of our park system.
在今后10年我们向私人机构要求多达10亿美圆的捐赠来强大公园系统,庆祝100周年的纪念.随着我们市民的贡献,不论是基金会,公司还是个人,联邦政府都将好好利用这些捐赠. |
We are awaiting offspring from the lynxes and camels.
科兹洛夫说:“我们眼下正在等待猞猁和骆驼产下它们的幼崽。 |
We are aware (Chelsea owner) Roman Abramovich can offer fortunes,he said.
“我们都清楚阿布拉莫维奇的钱包有多鼓,”他说。 |
We are aware that the club suffered serious financial losses, but we also know that the return to Serie A will mean that there will be heavy investment in the squad.
我们明白俱乐部遭受了严重的财政损失,但我们也知道回到甲级将意味着球队会有重大的投资. |