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Israel threatens a massive ground operation if Palestinian militants fire on Israeli soldiers and settlers during the Gaza Strip pullout.

Israel says it will lift its air and sea blockade when the U.N. ceasefire resolution is fully implemented. 以色列表示,它将在联合国停火决议全面落实之际取消空中和海上封锁。
Israel says the operation was aimed at stopping Palestinian efforts to acquire sophisticated anti-aircraft missiles. 以色列军方则说这次搜捕行动是为了打击阻止巴勒斯坦致力于获得恐怖的反导弹。
Israel says the timing—three days before the G8 summit in St Petersburg—was no coincidence, that Iran was using Hizbullah to deflect attention from its fishy nuclear programme. 并认为在8国首脑的圣彼得堡会晤之前三天发生这样的事情绝对不是偶然,分明是伊朗在利用真主党来转移对其可疑的核计划的注意力。
Israel seized the area during the 1967 Arab-Israeli War. 以色列曾在1967年阿拉伯-以色列战役中攻占据了这块领土。
Israel should be induced to make concessions despite the ongoing violence and the refusal of Hamas to ratify even Yasser Arafat's acceptance of Israel's right to exist. 即便以色列要面对持续不断的暴力袭击,而且哈马斯依然拒不承认阿拉法特曾接受的“以色列拥有生存权”这一前提,我国也应该规劝以色列作出让步。
Israel threatens a massive ground operation if Palestinian militants fire on Israeli soldiers and settlers during the Gaza Strip pullout. 以色列威胁称:如果巴勒斯坦激进分子胆敢向从加沙地带撤退的以色列士兵和以色列定居点移民开火,以将发动大规模地面报复打击。
Israel uses many different treatment schemes for its many water-reuse projects. 以色列利用许多不同的处理方式为的是许多水的再使用计划。
Israel was defending its morning raid deep into Lebanon. 以色列为今晨发动德深入黎巴嫩的袭击进行辩解。
Israel will discover vast oil reserves near the Dead Sea, enough to supply the entire Earth for 500 years, making that embattled nation one of the greatest economic powers on earth. 以色列会在死海附近发现巨大的石油储存,足够去供应整个地球五百年,使被敌人围困的国家成为全球最大的经济强国之一。
Israel withdrew from Lebanon six years ago but Hizbullah, like its Iranian sponsor, claims to seek Israel's complete destruction and seizes every pretext to fight on. 六年前以色列撤出黎巴嫩,但真主党,像支持他的伊朗人一样,声称要完全摧毁以色列并抓住每一次与之战斗的借口。
Israel's Military's Conundrum. Israel is caught between U.S. pressures to calm things down and Army hawks who want to push matters further. 以色列军方的困境:以色列受到来自美国方面要求保持冷静以及军方鹰派势力要求采取强硬措施的双重压力。

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