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The applicaton of protein microarray in proteomics

Current research status and prospects of ecological degeneration and restoration at the juncture of Shanxi,Shaanxi and Inner Mongolia 晋陕蒙交界地区生态退化与恢复的研究现状和展望
In vitro experimental study on the differentiation of mouse bone marrow stem cells into hepatocytes 体外诱导小鼠骨髓干细胞转化为肝细胞的实验研究
A Research on the Transformation from λ Phage Library to Plasmid Library λ噬菌体cDNA文库向质粒cDNA文库转化的研究
Spring Habitat Selection of Dens by Vulpes corsac in Hulunbeir Grassland 呼伦贝尔草原中蒙边境地带春季沙狐洞穴生境选择
An experimental study on the preparation of artificial dermis 组织工程活性真皮的构建研究
The applicaton of protein microarray in proteomics 蛋白芯片在蛋白质组学中的应用
The effect of rearing densities on growth and development of larvae of Palembus dermestoides 饲养密度对洋虫生长发育的影响
Structure,Function and Evolution of Baculoviral Inhibitor of Apoptosis Protein Gene 杆状病毒IAP基因的结构、功能及其进化
Polymorphism of DYS287 on Y Chromosome in 28 Ethnic Populations of China 中国28个民族群体Y染色体DYS287位点的遗传多态性
Assortment and characteristics of tobacco insect communities in China 我国烟田昆虫群落的划分及其特征分析
Plant species diversity of evergreen broadleaf forests in Taishan Mountain of Lishui,Zhejiang Provcince 浙江丽水太山山地常绿阔叶林的物种多样性

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