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Officials say the military vet stepped in after the robber put a gun to a woman's head.

Officials say the bomber blew up his vehicle as a convoy pa ed taking Kostoyev to work. 有关官员说,在送科斯妥耶夫上班的车队经过时,炸弹杀手引爆了自己的汽车。
Officials say the bomber blew up his vehicle as a convoy passed taking Kostoyev to work. 有关官员说,在送科斯妥耶夫上班的车队经过时,炸弹杀手引爆了自己的汽车。
Officials say the bus did not have a permit to drive on the winding road. 官员说这辆巴士并不被允许在蜿蜒的山路上行驶。
Officials say the current outbreak might have been caused by water polluted with waste from cattle. 官员说,目前爆发可能由于牛排泄物污染水源造成的。
Officials say the death toll will likely rise. 官员称死亡人数将可能上升。
Officials say the military vet stepped in after the robber put a gun to a woman's head. 他们称抢劫犯用枪指着一名妇女的头时,这名退役老兵出手相助。
Officials say the outbreak was discovered on a poultry farm in Pichit province. 有关官员说,皮奇特省的一个养鸡场爆发了禽流感。
Officials say the president and lawmakers were unhurt in the attack. 官员们说,总统和议员没有受伤。
Officials say the president's brother was among those killed when two explosions went off outside the Somali parliament building in Baidoa. 官员们说,在拜多阿的索马里议会外发生两起爆炸,总统的兄弟在爆炸中身亡。
Officials say the quake is remarkable in that it was extremely shallow, just nine kilometers below the sea surface. 官员们说,这次地震的震感相当强烈,因为地震发生在地表层很浅的地方,仅在海平面以下9公里。
Officials say the second day of high-level talks bogged down today (Friday) over North Korea's demand for the drawing of a new border in the Yellow Sea. 官员说,这次在高层次谈判的第二天,北韩方面提出要在黄海海域重新划界,因而会谈无法取得进展。

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