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The giver is probably trying to say to you what the book said to him.

The give each other a gold ring to symbolize their marriage commitment. 但有时一些夫妇宣读他们自己的誓言。
The giveaway organisers prepared about 6,000 bags of rice, each weighing 5kg, and distributed tickets at 9am for collection in the afternoon. 派米团体准备了六千袋米,每袋五公斤,并于早上九时派筹,让轮候的人在下午取米。
The given airfoil is then analyzed to determine, say, its velocity distribution. 由于机翼的分析,以确定那是说,它的速度分布.
The given example shows that the optimum selection of hydroelectric station construction schemes in view of environmental impact making use of information entropy theory to assess synthetically is rational and feasible. 示例表明,利用熵权理论进行环境影响综合评价,从环境影响的角度对水电站建设方案进行优选是合理、可靠的。
The given information cannot be used for self-diagnosis, many symptoms can represent many different medical conditions. 上面所提供的信息不可作为自我诊断的依据,某种症状是很多不同疾病的外在表现。
The giver is probably trying to say to you what the book said to him. 赠送书的人很可能是试图要向你说那本书对他所说的话。
The giving of gold, frankincense and myrrh - the Trinity - 3 into 1 metaphor - Pyramid/Cone Reference. 黄金,乳香和没药的礼物——三位一体——“三”在“一”里面的隐喻——涉及金字塔/圆锥体。
The giving of love is an education in itself . 爱的给予本身就是一种教育.
The glabrous skin of human fingers was choosed as the experimental objects, which was stimulated by square wave electrical signal mixed with electrical noise. 采用的心理物理学实验方法是单刺激随机阶梯法和单择一强迫选择法。
The glacier is one of 48 fed by the Southern Patagonian Ice Field, the world's third largest reserve of fresh water. 这座冰川是莫雷诺冰河48座冰川之一。莫雷诺冰河也是世界上第3大淡水储备河。
The glaciers are melting in the Himalayan Mountains. 喜马拉雅山的冰川正在融化。

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