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In the field of digital image processing, image compressing, image amplifying and image noise diminution based on DWT have a good practical effect.

In the field job the visual angle of researcher is easy to be affected by the prejudice with first impression. 在田野工作中,研究者的视角很容易被先入为主的偏见所影响。
In the field of Internet search, competitive ranking Search industry and enterprise search is like Baidu profit source three magic weapons. 在互联网搜索领域,竞价排名、行业搜索和企业搜索是百度之类公司利润来源“三大法宝”。
In the field of ancient Chinese literature, it has deep signifiance to analyse cavern fairyland with Northrop Frye and Carl Jung's archetypal theory and its collective unconsciousness of our nation. 运用弗莱、荣格的原型理论,将作品与作品中反复出现的“洞穴仙境”意象加以联系审视,从它在作品中的具体显现,分析它潜藏的意蕴,可以拓展志怪小说微观透视的领域,具有不可忽视的意义。
In the field of behavioral neuroscience, the continuous and mutichannel recording of bioelectric activities, such as electroencephalography, electromyography, and electrocardiography, is necessary to understand the physiological correlates with brain acti 摘要在行为神经科学研究方面,连续的多通道记录各种生物电讯号(脑电图、肌电图与心电图等)对于了解大脑活性与相关生理讯号变化有相当大的帮助。
In the field of cultural study, 在文化研究领域,
In the field of digital image processing, image compressing, image amplifying and image noise diminution based on DWT have a good practical effect. 由于小波变换的良好特性,使其在众多实际应用中都能得到很好的应用,并取得比原有技术更好的实际效果。
In the field of foreign economic cooperation, we have cooperation relations with more than 20 countries and regions in Asia, Europe and America, and have dispatched engineers and skilled workers there in organizational system or sporadic dispatched in the 对外经济合作方面,已同亚洲、欧洲、北美洲等20多个国家和地区建立了业务合作关系,已成建制或零星对外派遣了包括电子仪表、航空、机械、建筑、化工、缝纫、汽车修理、厨师、文秘、医护、农业等数十个专业和工种的工程技术人员和技术工人;并先后承揽、实施了公路修筑、住宅建筑以及成套设备安装等多项国外工程项目。
In the field of mechanism, “Haida” people have developed themselves rapidly depending on their continuous research on and application of advanced techniques. 在机械领域里,“海达”人凭籍对先进技术的不断研究和应用,使自身得到了飞速的发展。
In the field of medicines for antibiotic therapy, the global market focus is transferring from cephalosporin to fluoroquinolones. 摘要世界抗感染药物市场重心正由头孢菌素类药物向氟喹诺酮类药物转移,氟喹诺酮类药物成为抗生素药物中发展最快的领域。
In the field of metro traffic volume forecast in China, great margins exist between the forecast value in planning stage and the real value in operation stage, and among the forecast values by different organizations for the same metro line; the forecast 摘要目前我国城市轨道交通客流预测中,普遍存着规划阶段的预测结果与运营之后的实际客流有较大差异、实际客流远小于远期预测客流,不同机构预测的客流量离散性较大的问题。
In the field of observation, chance favors the prepared mind. 在观察的领域里,机遇垂青于有准备的头脑。

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