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This year is going by fast, ne?

This year animal rights activists called for a boycott of Canadian seafood until the hunt is stopped. 今年动物权激进行动主义份子要求联合抵制加拿大海产直到狩猎活动中止。
This year has been frantically busy for us I need a holiday just to wind down. 今年我们忙得要命--我需要有一段假期放松一下.
This year has changed our lives. 今年改变了我们的生命。
This year has seen a crescendo of attacks. 今年,攻击的声音已经渐增。
This year is coming to end. 一年就要结束了。
This year is going by fast, ne? 时间过得真快,是不?
This year is near to a close. 一年就要结束了。
This year is the beginning of new era and the Chinese lunar year of Dragon, in which great opportunities and fierce competitions await us ahead. 今年既是新世纪的开端又是中国传统的龙年,对公司和员工个人的发展都具有不同寻常的意义。
This year is the one hundredth anniversary of the founding of our university. A private school initially, it has now become a world-famous university specializing in the theoretical research. 今年是我校建校一百周年纪念。我校最初是一家私塾,现已成为一所以理论研究见长的世界名牌大学。
This year is the thirtieth anniversary of the Program for Appropriate Technology in Health, or PATH. PATH is a nonprofit organization based in Seattle , Washington . 今年是健康适用技术规划三十周年纪念。PATH是位于华盛顿西雅图的一个非盈利性组织。
This year it expects to sell around 150,000 cars, making it bigger than Jaguar or MG Rover. Within five years most analysts expect sales to be closer to Daewoo's 400,000. 奇瑞今年预计销售150000台车,将超过美洲虎和罗孚。分析家预计5年内奇瑞的销量将达到400000台,接近大宇。

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