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After the Dragon Boat Festival, the weather just gets hotter and hotter. Sometimes I think it's really unbearable.

After the Columbine massacre in 1999, the FBI produced a report on school shooters. (5)It concluded that it was impossible to draw up a useful profile of a potential shooter because “a great many adolescents who will never commit violent acts will show so 1999年科隆比纳惨案发生后,联邦调查局撰写了一份关于校园枪手的报告,认定不可能仅从外在表现来判断一个人是否可能为凶手,因为“很多从来都不会作出暴力举动的青少年也会有某些越界(应当受到警告的)表现”。
After the Culture Revolution, the central government convened a series of meetings and did a lot of substantive work in an effort to re-invigorate China's economic sector . “文革”后,中央政府召开了一系列会议,做了大量的实质性工作,努力振兴中国经济.
After the Day of Pentecost, people went out and told of the love of Christ, which they had themselves experienced. 在五旬节以后,人都出去述说他们所曾亲身经历的那个基督的大爱。
After the Declaration of Independence was signed, Virginian statesman John Page wrote to Thomas Jefferson. We know the race is not to the swift, nor the battle to the strong. 独立宣言签署之后,弗吉尼亚州政治家约翰佩奇给汤姆斯杰斐逊写道,“我们知道赛场不属于跑得最快的,战场也不属于强大的一方。
After the Democratic Transition from Authoritarian System in Taiwan, The environment of Political Education in Armed Forces had been improved. 摘要台湾在威权政体民主转型之后,军中的政治教育环境已明显有所改善。
After the Dragon Boat Festival, the weather just gets hotter and hotter. Sometimes I think it's really unbearable. 端午节之后天气就变得愈来愈热。有时候我真的快受不了啦。
After the Duke's death, his eldest son claimed the title. 公爵死后,其长子要求继承爵位。
After the EMP device is activated, there are computer equipment still functioning right next to it. Presumably, being 2 or 3 feet from a massive discharge should have fried the electronics. 当电磁脉冲装置被开启后,靠近它的电脑设备竟仍正常运转。理论上,靠近一个大规模放电中心2~3英尺范围内的所有电子设备都应被烧毁。
After the European Union complained, Microsoft backed down and provided a form of access. 在欧盟抗议之后,微软做出了让步,提供了一个访问系统内核的方法。
After the Expansion, the old Honor system will be completely removed and players who achieved ranks in the old Honour system will be able to choose to display their highest gained Rank as a title. 资料片来到后,旧的荣誉系统将作废,当然玩家可以选择把他们曾经达到的最高军衔作为一个头衔显示出来。
After the Feb. 22 attack on the Golden Dome shrine in Samarra, shadowy groups of Shiite militiamen with possible ties to Iraqi security forces launched a wave of reprisal attacks against Sunni mosques and neighborhoods. 二月22日萨马拉金顶寺遇袭后,幽灵般的什叶派武装分子有可能依靠伊拉克安全部队发动针对逊尼派清真寺及其邻近的报复性袭击。

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