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The Chinese, who have discovered a passion for football, failed to qualify for the tournament.

The Chinese youth should carry forward the revolutionary spirit of the May 4th Movement. 中国青年应该发扬“五四”运动的革命精神。
The Chinese zodiac, or Shengxiao, is composed of 12 animals, each of which symbolizes a lunar year. 中国的生肖由十二种不同的动物组成,其中每一个动物符号都代表一年。
The Chinese, Tibetan and international food is of excellent quality. 这里的中餐、藏餐和国际化的餐厅的食物的质量都十分出色。
The Chinese, a people who invented gunpowder and the compass were also the first to develop a technique of unarmed combat. 中国人,这个发明火药和罗盘的民族,首先发展出徒手格斗技术。
The Chinese, particularly the young generation, embrace Christmas without paying attention to its religious background. 中国人,尤其是年轻的一代,欣然接受圣诞节,而忽略了它的宗教背景。
The Chinese, who have discovered a passion for football, failed to qualify for the tournament. 而中国,虽然对世界杯有着强烈的渴望,却在预算赛上折戟。
The Chinese-American Voters Federation held an press conference at the CCBA meeting room, to release detail information for the citywide voters registration event on June 30. 华裔选民联盟在中华公所召开记者会,宣布在六月三十日举行的大型选民登记活动的详情。
The Chinese-Association of Southeast Asian Nations free trading area plans is China and the Association of Southeast Asian Nations both sides the consideration which and progress together based on own development but proposes. 摘要中国-东盟自由贸易区计划是中国和东盟双方基于自身发展和共同进步的考虑而提出的。
The Chinese-English Olympic Dictionary is constructed under the project of Multilingual Information Service System, supported by Beijing municipal government for Olympic 2008. 本词库在北京市奥运多语言信息服务系统项目支持下开发而成。
The Chinese-inspired short matching jacket captures the essence of traditional Chinese bridal outfit but with a contemporary twist. 以中国裙褂设计为灵感的小外套巧妙的把时尚元素融合在传统设计中。
The Chinese-tennis team made a corporate effort to win countess championships. 中国乒乓球队通过集体 的共同努力赢得了无数 次冠军.

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