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Its success as a symbol of achievement in filmmaking would doubtless amaze those who attended that dinner 74 years ago, as well as its creators, Cedric Gibbons and George Stanley.

Its striking strength is likely to result in complementary strength and condensed nonoverlapping weaknesses in research. 其突出优势是在研究中能增加交叉性优势,压缩非重叠性弱势,提高研究的效度与信度。
Its structure and learning algorithm are given; the methods of its parameter selection are explained; the characteristics of deaerator water level control system is analyzed. 给出了网络的结构和学习算法,说明了系统参数选取方法,分析了除氧器水位控制的特点。
Its structure unfolds moderate tension state for many relationship pairs. 其结构呈现为诸多关系对子的适度张力状态。
Its stubborn recuperative powers are a mute testimony to the vitality that enlivened layer upon layer of cross-fertilized art. 它顽强的“自我疗伤”的力量默默地见证了使层层叠加的,多种文化孕育而成的艺术繁荣发展的生命力。
Its stucture was investigated through IR,1H NMR and mass spectrum. 用红外光谱、核磁共振氢谱和质谱推测了产物的结构。
Its success as a symbol of achievement in filmmaking would doubtless amaze those who attended that dinner 74 years ago, as well as its creators, Cedric Gibbons and George Stanley. 它成功地代表了电影制作的盛衰,这无疑将令74年前参加那次宴会的人们感到震惊,这些人中包括它的谛造者--卡迪拉克·杰本斯和乔治·斯坦利。
Its sulfur deposition badly affects the production of such a gas reservoir. 硫沉积现象严重影响了这类气藏的开发。
Its superior design protects the valve body and internal components during sudden freeze conditions. 这种系列的优秀的结构能够保护阀体和阀内件在意外冰冻环境下免受损坏。
Its surface appears to be one piece, not separate plates. 它的表面似乎是一个整体,不是独立的板块。
Its surface could be made very smooth and its coler could be cor-dinated with its using environ-ment.Its surface coating contains anti-ultraviolet matter which helps to prevent color tading. 外表可制得非常平滑,可与环境配合调配颜色,表面含有抗此外光剂,有助于防止褪色。
Its surface has resistance performance of acid, alkali, corrosion and worn. Option colors: silver black, champagne and golden. 表面具有耐酸、耐碱、抗腐蚀、延缓老化、附着力强等优点。香槟、银白、钛金系列(喷砂、光亮)三种颜色供您选择。

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