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Running such geopolitical risks would be understandable if China's policies posed a true threat to America's economic health.

Running our of grain, the army had to live on wild fruit and tree bark. 2部队断了粮,只能靠野果和树皮充饥。
Running out of cash again... Fetch me the tax collector. 又没钱了...把税收官给我叫来。
Running out of grain, the army had to live on wild fruit and tree bark. 由于粮食吃光了,军队只好靠野果和树皮充饥。
Running really makes me be subjected to the benefit bandit shallow, not only strengthenned physical endowment, but also whetted to practice a will. 跑步确实使我受益匪浅,不仅增强了体质,而且磨练了意志。
Running soon fags me out. 我很快就跑累了.
Running such geopolitical risks would be understandable if China's policies posed a true threat to America's economic health. 要是中国的政策对真是对美国经济健康构成了威胁,冒这样的地缘风险就能被人理解了。
Running test and loading test for 4t provision crane. 4吨食物吊运转试验和吊重试验。
Running that last lap nearly did him in. 跑完最后一圈后,他几乎筋疲力竭。
Running the experiment consists of subscribing to real time sensor data, usually presented in a graphical user interface such as a virtual strip chart. 进行这个实验在于获取实时的传感数据,这些数据通常由一个图形用户界面提供,比如说一个虚拟的带状记录纸。
Running the model with seismic data alone would have underestimated tsunami heights in the open ocean by a factor of 10 or more. 若单把地震波资料输入模型运算,会低估海啸在开放海域的波高,预估值约只有实际值的1/10或更少。
Running through the developed calculation software package, the diagram output by computer softwares closely coincides with the contact pattern observed on a testing machine. 利用研制成的“齿面接触分析”软件对一实例进行计算,计算机输出的图形与切齿实验得到的接触区基本相同。

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