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Ignition of the tracheal tube during laser microlaryngeal surgery under general anesthesia is an uncommon complication with potentially serious consequences.

Igawa, who agreed in December to a $20 million, five-year contract, has been throwing on flat ground. The 27-year-old left-hander is scheduled to throw off a mound on Monday. 井川庆在12月同意四年2000万美金的合约,他开始在平地上投球。这名27岁的左投手应该在下周一踏上投手丘练投。
Igawa, who was touted as a long-term asset by Cashman on the day he was introduced to the New York media in January, said that he was aware a reassignment to the Minor Leagues could be a possibility when he signed his contract with the organization. 阿宅在一月份介绍给纽约媒体的时候被现金男认为是长期的资产,阿宅说当他与洋基签约的时候,他就了解到可能会有机会被下放到小联盟。
Ignite - Can now be dispelled by any effect that dispels magic effects. 点燃(火系重击后造成持续伤害的天赋)-能被当作魔法效果驱散。。。无语。。。
Ignition cable; Control cable sets; Switch cabinet; Electrical &hand coupler for vehicles. 汽车点火线束;大中型机械控制线束;开关控制箱;有轨机车电气/手动联接器。
Ignition kinetic parameters of different property coal in calciner of cement kiln were discussed in this paper. 摘要主要针对水泥分解炉内的燃烧工况对不同煤质的煤的着火动力学参数进行了研究。
Ignition of the tracheal tube during laser microlaryngeal surgery under general anesthesia is an uncommon complication with potentially serious consequences. 摘要在全身麻醉下,使用激光从事于喉部显微内视镜手术,所导致的气管内管着火是一种可能导致严重后果但不常见的并发症。
Ignition secondary circuits produce high voltagws. 次级点火线圈高电压,操作注意。
Ignition timing must advance as rpm increases. 随著引擎转速的增加,点火正时必须提前。
Ignorance and negligence has caused this mistake . 148无知与疏忽是这错误的原因。
Ignorance and negligence result in the mistake. 无知与疏忽是这错误的原因。
Ignorance and perverted thoughts bring bad karma. Laziness and negligence ruin careers. Blaming yourself is useless. Whining and blaming others makes things worse. 愚痴邪见即是自造恶业;懒惰懈怠就是自毁前程;自怨自艾终究于事无补;怨天尤人只会更加坏事。

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