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Objective To study the DTA vector containing the Ewing family of tumor s EWS-FLI1 binding sequence depresses the co-transferred luciferase reporter plasmid.
结果 每增加一个 pS2 DTA剂量梯度 ,在尤文肉瘤细胞中都可以检测到虫荧光素酶的表达显著降低 ,而在对照细胞中这种作用却不明显 ;在同一个pS2 DTA剂量梯度下 ,虫荧光素酶在尤文肉瘤细胞的表达都显著高于非尤文肉瘤细胞。

Altered telomerase activity during chemoprevention of experimental hamster cheek pouch carcinogenesis by Gynostempa Pentaphyllum Mak.; 绞股蓝总甙对金地鼠颊囊白斑癌变过程中端粒酶活性化学预防作用研究
Analysis of 422 cases of high blood pressure among teachers and employees; 教职工高血压病442例分析
Applications of Grafted Chitosan in Pharmaceutics; 接枝壳聚糖在药学领域的应用
Objective:To explore the diagnostic measures in patients having concomitant occurrence of renal stone and epithelial carcinoma of renal pelvis. 结果 :6例患者中术前明确诊断肾结石合并肾盂癌者仅 1例 ,余 5例术前仅做出肾结石的诊断 ,而在手术取石时发现肿瘤。
Objective To study the DTA vector containing the Ewing family of tumor s EWS-FLI1 binding sequence depresses the co-transferred luciferase reporter plasmid. 结果 每增加一个 pS2 DTA剂量梯度 ,在尤文肉瘤细胞中都可以检测到虫荧光素酶的表达显著降低 ,而在对照细胞中这种作用却不明显 ;在同一个pS2 DTA剂量梯度下 ,虫荧光素酶在尤文肉瘤细胞的表达都显著高于非尤文肉瘤细胞。
Results LOH in Fas gene exon 8 were identified in all patients with keloids by PCR-SSCP, Gene sequencing proved these mutations. 结果 所检测的 15个瘢痕疙瘩标本 10 0 %有Fas基因外显子 8的杂合丢失 ,基因测序发现 11个标本共 4个位点存在基因突变。
Methods:Serum levels of CA153,CA125,and CA199 from breast cancer and benign breast disease patients were detected by electeo-chemical luminescence method. 结果:乳腺癌患者血清CA153、CA125、CA199、水平均显著高于正常组和良性乳腺疾病组,差异有统计学意义(P<0
RESULTS Eighty-nine out of 393 people had dry eyes,and the morbidity rate was 22. 结果本组调查人群中干眼症患者89人,患病率为22。
The isomerization of n-decane over Pt/P-Hβ with different phosphorus contents was investigated. 结果表明 ,少量磷的加入有效地改变了Hβ分子筛的酸量和酸强度的分布 ,使其弱酸量增加 ,强酸量减少 ,B酸中心增加 ,总酸量减少 ;在正癸烷异构化反应中 ,Pt/P Hβ催化剂显著提高了异构化反应的选择性 ,抑制了裂解反应的发生 。

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