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Clerics predict Ramadan will begin on September 13 or 14, depending on the first sighting of the new moon.

Cleopatra was imprisoned inside her mausoleum on the day of her death. 克利奥帕特拉她临终前的最后一天是被监禁在她自己的陵墓里。
Cleopatra's mausoleum was very close to the palace complex where Octavian was lodged. 克利奥帕特拉的陵墓和克利奥帕特拉的寝宫之间的距离很近。
Cleopatra, Pharaoh of a vast empire, lover of two of the most powerful men in ancient Rome, Julius Caesar and Marc Anthony. 克利奥帕特拉是一位庞大帝国的女王,是古罗马两位最有权力的男人:凯撒和安东尼的情人。
Clergymen often took the Christian message of God's love and the hope of eternal life to the Negroes. 神职人员经常将神的爱和永生盼望的基督教信息传讲给黑奴。
Cleric's can wear heavy armor and can use one-handed blunt weapons, two handed blunt weapons, thowing hammers and shields. 牧师可以装备重甲并可以使用单手和双手钝器,飞锤和盾牌。
Clerics predict Ramadan will begin on September 13 or 14, depending on the first sighting of the new moon. 图为在黎巴嫩首都贝鲁特,一群孤儿在游览车上挥手,车上的标语写著「斋戒月是慷慨的」。
Clerk Maria Saenz and student worker Susana Guillen, avid fans of the real Beckham, were just jumping up and downafter the first call. 职员玛丽亚·萨耶恩兹和学工苏珊娜·吉伦都是小贝的“粉丝”。两个人接到冒牌贝克汉姆的第一个电话后“高兴得上窜下跳”。
Clerk  How long ago did you send the package? 办事员你多久前寄的?
Clerk  Was it sent by registered mail? 办事员是寄挂号吗?
Clerk: (Picking up the phone) Hello! Front desk. 前台服务员:(接电话)您好!前台。
Clerk: Air mail or ordinary mail? 办事员:航空邮寄还是平邮?

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