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Generally speaking, red complexion indicates heat syndromes; white complexion indicates cold and deficiency syndrome; yellow complexion deficiency and dampness syndromes; blue complexion suggests pain and cold syndrome,blood stasis and convulsion; and bla

Generally speaking, people make comments on the Movement of Commenting on Confucianism and Criticizing Legalismin 1970's from a political view. 摘要对70年代中期的“评法批儒”运动,人们一般都从政治的角度做出评价。
Generally speaking, porcelain decorative billion diversified approach, printing, speaker, but most items are the use of traditional means of painting, water color painting. 总体看来,元青花的装饰手法多样,有印花、雕花,但大部分器物都是使用传统的绘画手段,即白地绘彩。
Generally speaking, price can be lowered by increasing the supply or decreasing the demand. 一般地说,通过增加供给或减少需求可以降低物价。
Generally speaking, prospective immigrants would sign articles of indenture binding them to a period of service that varied from three to seven years. 一般说来,可能要移民的人须对限定他们服劳役3-7年的契约条款予以认可。
Generally speaking, prospective immigrants would sing articles of indenture binding them to a period of service that varied form three to seven years. 一般说来,潜在的移民须对限定他们服劳役3~7年的契约条款予以认可。
Generally speaking, red complexion indicates heat syndromes; white complexion indicates cold and deficiency syndrome; yellow complexion deficiency and dampness syndromes; blue complexion suggests pain and cold syndrome,blood stasis and convulsion; and bla 总的来说,色红提示热证;色白提示寒证和虚证;黄色提示虚证和湿证;青色提示痛证、寒证、血瘀和痉证;黑色提示肾虚、血瘀和水液停滞。
Generally speaking, stock dealers hope to make money. 一般而言,买卖股票的人都希望赚钱。
Generally speaking, studies in the field of art science needs to be deepened and elaborated in order to overcome its over-generalization. 总体看来,此间的整个艺术学研究不够精细和深入,大而化之的言说方式是它的通病。
Generally speaking, tawny types vary considerably; a fairly delicate one is Offley Tawny Port Duke of Oporto NV, Portugal. 茶色波特一般有着好闻的干果香,适合于做餐后甜点酒。
Generally speaking, the Allies did not meet fierce opposition because they secured the command of the air and the Germans were ill prepared for anti-amphibious operations. 总体上讲,盟军没有遇到猛烈的反击:诺曼底的天空已经被他们牢牢地掌握,而德军对于抗击大规模的两栖登陆战尚未做好准备。
Generally speaking, the CMAC is first trained from an existed controller; then the CMAC can be used to instead of the original controller for achieving a fast operating system performance. 在控制领域设计中,较简易直觉的作法是不需经过学习的过程而能使控制系统即可在忍受范围内工作,进一步藉由辅助修正机制优化原系统参数达到线上学习的需求。

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