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She bottled up her emotions.

She borrowed her sister-in-law's $2 million tiara for her own ascension ceremony rather than 9)splash out on an 10)accessory she'll rarely wear. 在她的加冕仪式上,她向丈夫的姐姐借了一个价值两百万的皇冠,而不是挥霍一番买一个她很少会带的装饰品。
She borrowed money on credit. (18) He is the front-runner in the election. 她用信用卡借钱。他在此次选举中领先别人。
She borrowed our car to go to Guangzhou. 她借走了我们的车开去广州。
She borrowed two books from the library. 她从图书馆借了两本书。
She both built and endowed the hospital. 她不仅建了医院还给医院捐赠资金。
She bottled up her emotions. 她抑制住自己的感情。
She bought a Santana last week. 她上星期买了一辆桑塔那汽车。
She bought a big wheel of red carnations, and some little gentle-petalled primroses with shiny clark green leaves. 她买了一个康乃的大花环和一些花瓣柔美并带着闪亮的暗绿色叶子的樱草花。
She bought a bottle of skin-tightening, anti-wrinkle facial milk. But 28 days later, her skin had not become silky. Instead, her face became itchy and she felt a burning sensation. 她购买了一瓶紧肤霜,一瓶抗粥洗面奶。然后使用28天之后,她的皮肤并没有变的光滑,相反的是,她的脸部开始:发痒,并有燃烧发热的症状。
She bought a box of chocolates at the corner store. 她在街头小店购得一盒巧克力。
She bought a diminutive toy for her daughter. 她给女儿买了个小巧可爱的玩具。

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