Each medicine in the world can cure only one sickness; the medicine of the soul – wisdom and compassion can cure all sufferings.
世界上的良药,每一种只能治一种疾病;心灵的良药----智慧与慈悲,却可治愈一切的病苦。 |
Each memb er of our staff has been selected from more than fifty applicants and has advanced university or master degrees with at least three years of experience in translation or interpretation.
本公司的翻译员均具有正规院校本科或硕士以上学历及三年以上实际翻译经验。 |
Each member company is known as a multinational corporation.
每一成员公司都被称作跨国公司。 |
Each member made enough preparation and business card to participate the tournament on the golf course, not in dead earnest, but for seeking the cooperate chance, enhancing mutual understanding and exchanges as well as providing excellent platform for com
每一位会员做好装备且带足名片前往绿茵场,并非拼个你死我活,只为通过比赛,寻找合作契机,增进了解,加强交流,为以后的资源互补提供一个良好的平台。 |
Each member of the Campanile training team has a background in language training and business.
在良好互动的氛围中,为企业员工提供易懂实用的培训课程。 |
Each member of the cabinet stated his views on the question.
每位阁员都就这一问题谈了自己的看法。 |
Each member of the pod is therefore necessary and important unto the energy of the whole.
圆荚体中的每一成员因此对整体能量流也是重要而必须的。 |
Each member representative can only deputize one member representative, and the number of member representatives who deputize other member representatives should not exceed half of the number of attending member representatives.
第19条(代理出席)会员代表不能亲自出席会员大会时,得以书面委托其他会员代表代理。 |
Each member's decision to become a Major Donor to the Foundation reflects the generosity and involvement essential to the Foundation's purpose, as Arch Klumph put it, “of doing good in the world.
每一位社员的决定成为基金会钜额捐献人,反映出他们主要是对基金会的目的-阿奇?柯蓝夫所谓的〝行善于全世界〞的慷慨与参与。 |
Each microdot is the size of a grain of sand and contains an identifier.
每颗微粒都是一粒沙粒的大小并且包含一个辨识码。 |
Each mission had a satellite designed to photograph the surface of Mars from orbit, and to act as a communication relay for the Viking lander that each mission carried.
每次任务都发射一枚具备从火星轨道拍摄火星表面能力的人造卫星,同时充当与海盗登陆者进行联络的中间站。 |