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Around 7,000 years ago, the volcano Mount Mazama erupted and collapsed and, as a result, formed Crater Lake.

Around 500 people are expected to attend the private service on August 31. 大约500人会被认为参加这个在8月31日举行的私人仪式.
Around 5000 strands, the occipital chakra buds along with 24 petals in the heart, pelvic and crown lotuses. 在5000股左右,枕骨脉轮伴随着心脏、盆腔和头顶(皇冠)的24瓣莲花开始萌发。
Around 60% of Americans express some estrangement from their government, with as many reckoning their elected officials don't care what they think, suggest figures from the Pew Research Centre. 皮尤研究中心的数据显示,大约60%的美国人表示,他们都或多或少地与政府疏远了,其中很多人认为他们选举的官员并不在意他们的想法。
Around 65% of Finland is made up of forests. 其中65%的面积被森林覆盖。
Around 7,000 patients will be eligible for prescription marijuana, sold in containers of .16 ounces at most pharmacies. 从周一开始,在荷兰的药房里都可以买到药用大麻。
Around 7,000 years ago, the volcano Mount Mazama erupted and collapsed and, as a result, formed Crater Lake. 约7,000年以前,马札马火山爆发、崩塌后,留下了火口湖。
Around 70 amphoras were reportedly taken. 报告说大约70只土罐已经被盗走。
Around 70,000 years ago its last eruption filled in that gaping hole with flows of lava. 大约7万年前,最后一次火山爆发,熔岩流填满了许多洞穴。
Around 8 pm, the national leaders entered the locale,then sounded the warmly applause. 晚上近8时,胡锦涛等领导同志步入晚会现场,全场响起了热烈的掌声。
Around 95 percent of web users react negatively to pop-up advertisements, web usability guru Jakob Nielsen says in an article on the most hated online advertising techniques. 有许多网络访问者已经采用各种屏蔽技术来保护自己,同时调查显示,访问者对广告商和网站不同程度地产生了厌恶情绪。
Around Longhua, his image can be seen in large framed photos of him with Chinese officials, and on the Gou biographies stacked in the factory book store's window. 在龙华科技园﹐郭台铭与中国政府官员的合影被放大镶嵌后悬挂在显眼处﹐而在工厂书店销售的郭台铭转记中﹐也能看到他的照片。

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