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Don't make TV and computer screens too bright. Ensure adequate lighting by using lower wattage bulbs (from 25W to 40W) and avoid light hitting the eyes directly.

Don't lose your hope, go along! 不要灰心,继续进行下去!
Don't lose your hope,every dog has his day. 不要灰心,每个人都有转运的一天。
Don't lounge around all day: do something! 别整天闲逛,做点事情吧!
Don't lower your standards. 不要降低自己的标准。
Don't lower yourself by asking him for help. 不要向他求助以免降低身分.
Don't make TV and computer screens too bright. Ensure adequate lighting by using lower wattage bulbs (from 25W to 40W) and avoid light hitting the eyes directly. 电视及电脑萤幕的亮度要适中,保持环境有适量的光线,灯泡以25至40W的光度为最适中,避免光线直接照射眼睛。
Don't make a buried decision , look around well first. 104先好好考虑一番,不要急于做决定。
Don't make a fool of me! 别把我当傻瓜!
Don't make a fool of yourselves,we can discuss this problem at home. 别在这里出丑,这问题我们回家再谈。
Don't make a fuss about such a small thing because that is the last thing I expected. 3别为这点小事大惊小怪的,这可是我最不希望看到的事。
Don't make a hurried decision, look round well first. 别急于做决定, 先仔细考虑一下。

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