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Many constituents are mutagens and carcinogenic such as alkenes, nitrosamines, polynuclear aromatic and heterocyclic hydrocarbons, amines .

Many congressmen believe that China's accumulation of massive foreign exchange reserves amounts to an unfair trade subsidy and would like to take offsetting action. 许多国会议员认为,中国庞大的外汇储备积累等于不公平贸易补贴,意欲采取行动予以抵消。
Many conquered nations had to pay tribute to the rulers of ancient Rome. 许多被征服的国家要向古罗马的统治者纳贡。
Many conservatives in the early 1900's thought impressionistic art was decadent. 20世纪初,许多保守主义者认为印象派的艺术是颓废的。
Many consider this the most beautiful mangrove forest in all Thailand. 许多人认为这里是全泰国最美丽的红树林了。
Many considerations led him to resign. 许多的考量使他辞职。
Many constituents are mutagens and carcinogenic such as alkenes, nitrosamines, polynuclear aromatic and heterocyclic hydrocarbons, amines . 烟草的很多成分都会引起有机体突变以及致癌,如烯烃化合物,亚硝胺,多核芳香烃以及多环碳氢化合物和铵.
Many consultations have a hidden agenda that needs to be addressed. 许多的求诊背后都有未曾明说的目的。
Many consumers found that the unworn auto parts price was very expensive, and comparing with the big amount in buying a car, the small fees in the maintenance seems more terrible. 很多消费者突然发现,许多汽车的易损件都有着不菲的价格,相比于买车时的一掷千金,养车时的细水长流来得更为可怕。
Many contemporary political philosophies focus on the question of recognition and most of them trace it back to Hegel. 摘要承认问题是当代政治哲学关注的一个焦点问题,其中很多人都把它追溯到黑格尔。
Many contemporary writers condemned the emperor's actions. 当时的许多作家都谴责该皇帝的行径.
Many continue to project the attitude that they\'re always eager for a spirited argument. 他们是孤独的夜晚,在空旷的公寓中最理想的伴侣。

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