But none appears to have the combinatorial rule system of human language, in which symbols are permuted into an unlimited set of combinations, each with a determinate meaning.
但是,没有一个像人类语言那样有组合法则体系,在这一体系中,各种符号经过排列可以生成无限的组合形式,每一种都有一个确定的含义。 |
But none of the rest dared to associate with them; however, the people held them in high esteem.
徒5:13其馀的人、没有一个敢贴近他们.百姓却尊重他们。 |
But none of the routine reasons offered for urban crime has been able to explain a seemingly senseless incident that again has put crime in New York City in the national spotlight.
说明城市何以犯罪频仍的老生常谈都不能解释这一似无理性的事件。这次事件再度使纽约市犯罪引得全国注目。 |
But none of these firms is in mortal danger.
但这些公司并未陷于绝境。 |
But none of this is evident. Where people on other continents feel the pressure of the crowd, Americans still breathe in what seems deceptively like limitless, virgin territory.
但是这些现象对于美国人来说还不够重视。当其他大洲的国家正在感受着人口稠密给他们带来的不便时,美国还在这片广阔的处女地上自由地呼吸。 |
But none of this is insuperable.
但这一切还都不是定局。 |
But none of those reclining at table knew why He said this to him.
28同席的人,没有一个知道耶稣为什么对他说这话。 |
But not St George: he was a Turk living in Palestine.
不过这里面没有圣?乔治,他是一个住在巴勒斯坦的土耳其人。 |
But not TOO much closer.
但是也不要『太』紧密。 |
But not all advertisements are trustworthy.
但是,并非所有的广告都真实可靠。 |
But not all can always succeed.
可惜的是有些人遭到失败后一蹶不振。 |