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The earthquake made the wall sink and start to crumble.

The earthquake claimed thousands of deaths. 地震夺去了数以千计人的生命。
The earthquake had been predicted several months before. 这次地震早在几个月以前就发布了预报.
The earthquake happened along a line where the Earth's Indo-Australian and Eurasian tectonic plates grind together, in the waters west of Sumatra. 此次地震是沿着地壳的印澳和欧亚结构板块的结合带、苏门答腊以西水域发生的。
The earthquake has made great havoc of the city. 地震给这个城市造成了巨大的破坏。
The earthquake left a gulf in the fields. 地震在田地里留下一条裂口。
The earthquake made the wall sink and start to crumble. 这次地震把这堵墙震得下陷并开始崩塌.
The earthquake measuring 7.3 on the Richter scale shook Taiwan, causing severe damage to infrastructure in several cities. 这个芮氏规模7.3的地震不但震撼了台湾,还在许多城市对基础建设造成严重的破坏.
The earthquake took place, the windows broken into pieces. 地震发生了,户破得粉碎。
The earthquake victims are in need of immediate help. 那些地震灾民需要立即援助。
The earthquake was a terrible catastrophe. 这次地震是个可怕的灾难。
The earthquake was the worst calamity in the country's history. 那次地震是全国有史以来最严重的灾难.

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