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1 Simply connect the vacuum to the USB port of your laptop or computer.

1 Shooting will be in one direction only. 1发射仅能朝一个方向。
1 Should a scientist be responsible for his discoveries? 科学家对他的发现该不该负责?
1 Should any party be prevented from executing the Tenancy Agreement due to such incidents as earthquake, typhoon, storm, fire disaster, war, rebellion and other unpredictable Force Majeure of which the happening and result cannot be avoided the Party con 任何一方由于自然灾害事故如地震、台风、风暴、火灾、战争暴乱等或其它不能预见的其发生和结果都无法避免的不可抗力的发生而受阻不能履行本租赁合同,遇到上述不可抗力影响的一方应在十五日内以电报传真或其他方式通知一方,并提交有关此不可抗力的详细情况以及此租约或此租约的部分无法实施或需要稍后实施的原因证明。
1 Silver cardholders can upgrade to a Gold card when their total annual spending reaches 10,000 points and to a Platinum card when their total annual spending reaches 20,000 points. 1银卡贵宾当年累计消费积分达10000分者,可持卡至昆明金鹰顾客服务中心换持金卡;当年累计消费积分达到20000分者,可换持白金卡。
1 Simple structure, light weight, small cubage, small installation size, small drive moment, convenient operation, quick and flexible switch, realiable sealing, small resistance of fluid, good flow regulating function, long life. 结构简单,重量轻,体积小,安装尺寸小,驱动力矩小,操作简便、开关迅速灵活,密封可靠,流阻小,具有良好的流量调节功能,使用寿命长。
1 Simply connect the vacuum to the USB port of your laptop or computer. 只需将吸尘器连接到你的笔记本或台式机的USB端口。
1 Singapore has three main reservoirs. 新加坡有三个主要的蓄水池.
1 Sit with your legs straight out in front of you, raising your pelvis on a blanket if your hips or groins are tight. 1坐姿,双腿伸直,如果在一条毛毯上升起你的骨盘如果你的臀部或者腹股沟很紧的话就用一块毯子垫高你的你的骨盘。
1 Small Test Tube and Stopper (or jar with a lid). 1小试管和塞子(或者带盖子的广口瓶).
1 Smoking is not allowed in enclosed air-conditioned areas in Singapore. 在新加坡,人们不准在封闭的冷气范围里抽烟.
1 Solder iron temperature of every tools used is well checked by shift/ by hourly basis and recorded properly, showing the specified limits and actual values. 每个工具(烙铁)均以每班/小时为基准的方式进行有效检测及记录,并显示其规限和实际数值.

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