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International Women's Voices has several objectives.

International Students came to check into the centennial Peking University. PKU President Xu Zhihong visited them and had nice talks with the overseas freshman. 8月29日,五湖四海的留学生来到百年燕园。北大校长许智宏看望前来报到的留学生,并与他们亲切交谈。
International Symposium on Natural Medicines, Kyoto, Japan. 当归的生产及品质提升之研究。
International Trade Forum. 国际贸易论坛》报道出口商品的设计、销售以及其它有关信息。旨在促进发展中国家出口贸易。
International Water Management Institute is an international agricultural research advisory Base 16 a research center, the purpose of which is passed on the global water resources management, irrigation and water resources in river basins, such as the use 描述:国际水资源管理研究所是国际农业研究咨询基地的16个研究中心的一个,其目的是通过对全球水资源管理、灌溉及江河流域水资源利用等的研究来实现水资源的可持续利用。
International Women's Day is rooted in the centuries-old struggle of women seeking to participate equally in society on an equal footing with men. 国际妇女节是妇女们寻求与男人同等社会地位所进行艰苦斗争的产物。这个过程经历了数百年。
International Women's Voices has several objectives. 国际妇女之声有几个目标。
International Workshop on Forecasting and Risk Management will be held at Siyuan Building on December 20-21,2006. 中澳双边学术交流会将于12月11日下午在思源楼712报告厅举行。
International air transport referred to in this Chapter means any transport in which, according to the contract of transport by air between the parties, the place of departure, the place of destination or the agreed stopping place, whether or not there be 本法所称国际航空运输,是指根据当事人订立的航空运输合同,无论运输有无间断或者有无转运,运输的出发地点、目的地点或者约定的经停地点之一不在中华人民共和国境内的运输。
International air travel is not covered by the Kyoto agreement. 但国际航空旅行不在《京都议定书》覆盖范围内。
International airport is it fly to Australia , New Zealand , Europe , South Africa , India subcontinent , Middle East to plug into, north and south American flight extremely convenient in Kuala Lumpur. 在吉隆坡国际机场接驳飞往澳洲、纽西兰、欧洲、南非、印度次大陆、中东、南北美的航班极为便利。
International airport, deep-water wharf, south railway station, Xupu Bridge, Fengpu Bridge from the three-dimensional transportation network to the world. 国际机场,深水码头,铁路南站,徐浦、奉浦大桥构成全镇通往全国和世界的立体交通网络。

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