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People were overwhelmed with amazement. He has done everything well,they said. He even makes the deaf hear and the mute speak.

People were eating, drinking, marrying and being given in marriage up to the day Noah entered the ark. Then the flood came and destroyed them all. 27那时候的人又吃又喝,又娶又嫁,到挪亚进方舟的那日,洪水就来,把他们全都灭了。
People were impatient and didn't listen. 别人不耐烦,不听他说。
People were impressed with his ardour. 人们对他的热心留下沉刻印象。
People were interested for good reason. 人们的兴趣并不是没有道理的。
People were not served their meals individually. 不是给饭桌上的人一一上菜。
People were overwhelmed with amazement. He has done everything well,they said. He even makes the deaf hear and the mute speak. 37众人分外希奇、说、他所作的事都好、他连聋子也叫他们听见、哑吧也叫他们说话。
People were scrambling madly for shelter. 人们疯了似的抢着往隐蔽处跑。
People were streaming out of the station. 人们涌出了车站.
People were supposed to serve themselves at the continental breakfast;it was my job to circulate through the room and replenish coffee and juice. 用欧式早餐的时候,人们应该自已照料自已;我的职责只是在房间里四处走动,给客人添加一些咖啡和果汁.
People were unanimous in support of the peace effort. 人们一致支持为和平所作的努力。
People were walking and shouting around me, the captain bawled, the landlady shrieked - and suddenly another break and I was being carried in a closed coffin. 我感到棺材在晃动,寻思着原因,顿时使我大吃一惊:原来我已经死了,真的死了。

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